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Suggested topics: programming, music, sleep, coffee, etc.

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Question: Q1) When you first started learning C++, if you had option to choose either C++ or Java, and you had equal learning resources available for both, what would you choose? Q2) Do you think Java still has scope today in developing software like REAPER? Q3) Is it possible to develop REAPER with Java instead of C++?
Asked by Abhi (106.219.68.x) on October 14 2024, 8:01am
Reply on October 14 2024, 12:29pm:
    I would choose C++. Java has a lot of problems relating to realtime applications IMO, and the implementations of it raise more questions than they answer. I can't say whether it would be possible to implement REAPER in it (I guess BitWig uses it for some of their app?) but for me it would create more problems than it would solve.
1 Comment...
Question: If you have watched this in 1998, what was your reaction that time? Or if not, then what is your reaction right now? 🤣 youtu.be/eKy9fV_zX_o?si=9p5N24E8mSvY3cVu
Asked by Abhi (106.219.70.x) on October 12 2024, 2:56pm
Reply on October 12 2024, 10:11pm:
    lol, don't remember it from then but it tracks with my recollection of Windows 98. GET ME BILL GATES! (iirc)
Question: what do you do when you get stuck at a problem whether in coding or in life?
Asked by rano (113.21.71.x) on October 12 2024, 8:38am
Reply on October 12 2024, 10:12pm:
    Your choices are: persist, shelve and come back to it later, or find a workaround.
Question: if you weren't a programmer, what would you be doing for living? And Why there's just 2 people developing Reaper? Why not hire more and do more stuff?
Asked by rano (113.21.71.x) on October 11 2024, 3:16am
Reply on October 11 2024, 12:23pm:
    I love programming, I don't like managing people.
Question: hey jf- are you getting any updates or tech specs regarding MIDI 2.0? is it actually a "thing" for your considerations?
Asked by 2024 (86.185.199.x) on October 10 2024, 1:35pm
Reply on October 10 2024, 1:43pm:
    Haven't figured out when/how we'll integrate it
Question: Yo JF, I was just listening to some of the band The Smile's live shows and for a second I thought it was you on sax! Maybe you've gotten that before.. (Robert Stillman)
Asked by saxo (185.254.75.x) on October 9 2024, 10:49pm
Reply on October 10 2024, 1:43pm:
    By appearance or playing style? lol
Question: If you started REAPER today, would you still pick C/C++?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on October 9 2024, 3:59pm
Reply on October 9 2024, 4:02pm:
    C++ for sure yeah
Question: Do you know any 100% bug-free software?
Asked by Abhi (106.219.70.x) on October 8 2024, 6:09pm
Reply on October 8 2024, 7:01pm:
    depends on how you define bugs I suppose, but it seems unlikely for software of any significant complexity
Question: Is this even real?
Asked by Wes Johnson (131.212.16.x) on October 7 2024, 8:46pm
Reply on October 8 2024, 12:28am:
    life? well I know the simulations theory and stuff but does being in a simulation make it any less real? I don't think so.
Question: Why the bad GUI
Asked by Ville (196.65.29.x) on October 7 2024, 8:05pm
Reply on October 8 2024, 12:29am (edited at October 8 2024, 12:36am):
    I've got more important things to do than html/css. unless you mean REAPER, in which case sod off.
Question: Could you provide a working example for PromptForAction in C++?
Asked by Navelpluisje (62.45.64.x) on October 7 2024, 3:22pm
Reply on October 8 2024, 12:33am (edited at October 8 2024, 12:38am):
    C++ would require too much boilerplate, here's lua, but you'd use a timer rather than defer() etc:
    function run()
      hit = reaper.PromptForAction(0,0,0)
      if hit == 0 then
        reaper.defer(run) -- keep trying until PromptForAction succeeds or fails
        reaper.MB(string.format("action %d",hit),"action sel",0)
Question: hey jf- do you think REAPER is worthy of the most modern & obligatory 100% + fire emojis ?
Asked by 2024 (86.185.199.x) on October 6 2024, 9:08pm
Reply on October 8 2024, 12:29am:
    not my place to decide
Question: Ninjam and it's delaying latency feature reminds me of how you can synchronize anything perfect by measuring the longest common delay. The shortest wire should in theory have the longest delay to compensate for the longest wire having the shortest delay. It's something I worked on in Minecraft with Redstone trying to sync up music blocks depending on distance.
Asked by Josh (72.228.153.x) on October 3 2024, 3:14am
Reply on October 3 2024, 2:01pm:
    OK the answer is yes.
Question: Do you regret selling nullsoft to AOL?
Asked by Josh (72.228.153.x) on October 3 2024, 12:03am
Reply on October 3 2024, 1:30am (edited at October 3 2024, 1:33am):
    nah it was a good deal! I regret not buying it back for a fraction of the sale price though. Not that I would've done anything with it, but at least it would have been free. Just didn't feel like dealing with lawyers and contracts at the time, figured it would be too much of a distraction from REAPER dev. Which to be fair it probably would have been.
Question: Why am I always tired when my kids wake me up, but completely awake when I'm supposed to sleep? and How do you change from a night owl to a morning person?
Asked by Derek (188.90.45.x) on October 2 2024, 10:07pm
Reply on October 3 2024, 1:32am:
    I dunno, I really like the mornings too but when I force myself to get up for them I end up sleep deprived too. Closest I get is to exercise a bunch which gets me sleepy earlier in the evening, but even then getting to bed in time is difficult.
Question: hey you seen how they massacred your boy winamp?
Asked by josh (72.228.153.x) on October 2 2024, 5:40pm
Reply on October 2 2024, 9:49pm:
    hah I probably was part of the initial decline too ;)
Question: hey jf- do you think time creates space..or space creates time...OR..in actual reality they are both very poor descriptions of what is actually manifesting by us,,or FOR us??
Asked by 2024 (86.185.199.x) on October 1 2024, 12:50pm
Reply on October 1 2024, 2:09pm:
    Can water be wet? Does a planet fly? Are these semantic questions that depend on language more than anything?
Question: You wake up tomorrow and it's September 1998. You know everything you know in 2024. What are some of the biggest things you'd immediately do differently?
Asked by Alec (174.205.97.x) on October 1 2024, 12:35am
Reply on October 1 2024, 11:49am:
    I'd start PT for my 1996-era injuries and get running ASAP... everything else, shrug
Question: If - for whatever reason - you were to stop developing Reaper, would you release the code?
Asked by Stefan (79.219.84.x) on September 30 2024, 5:51pm
Reply on September 30 2024, 5:55pm:
    Hard to say, but I definitely would release the code before it became abandonware.
Question: Hey jf, my retention is pretty bad for specific-domain, and 'set and forget cold code paths' best practices, APIs, etc. e.g I'll work for weeks with Win32, then 8mo later I'll only remember fragments and have to relearn 60% again (granted, much quicker). Do you have this problem, any tips? Thanks!
Asked by mishima (185.209.199.x) on September 30 2024, 10:10am
Reply on September 30 2024, 1:46pm:
    yeah mine's also not great, but if you can refer to your own code it's helpful lol. and bonus points if you can read your old code
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