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Question: This kid is impressive eh? Have you heard "Attention"? twitter.com/charlieputh/status/860...
Asked by Will (97.93.225.x) on September 9 2017, 11:14pm
Reply on September 11 2017, 12:59pm:
    Not really my thing...
Question: Have you ever thought of doing the Comrades marathon? Entries are open for 2018, I think you should consider! Great race, friendly people, good excuse to visit South Africa.
Asked by noedig (146.64.20.x) on September 6 2017, 7:46am
Reply on September 8 2017, 12:41am:
    Some day, but I'm not sure how I'd do on a 50+ miler.. ugh. :)
Question: Not sure if this should be a bug report, but on linux, tooltips are being spawned in their own window, which is messing with my tiling window manager (i3wm). The splash screen is also acting similarly, instead of floating like a normal dialog/splash/tooltip would. Example: gfycat.com/ReflectingPiercingBear
Asked by fmap (47.54.22.x) on September 5 2017, 5:05am
Reply on September 5 2017, 1:35pm (edited at September 5 2017, 2:30pm):
    You should post this in the pre-release forum, ideally :) Edit: ahh, actually, open your ~/.REAPER/reaper.ini, find the line that says "gdk_borderless_are_override_redirect=auto", and change it to =1. That'll take care of it! Maybe I can make it autodetect i3 and use that option...
Question: I heard you watched the fight on Saturday night and you're really proud of Conor McGregor. Is it true?
Asked by Mommy (76.110.183.x) on August 29 2017, 12:51am
Reply on August 29 2017, 12:58pm (edited at August 29 2017, 12:59pm):
    I didn't watch it, though I did find it somewhat interesting to read about.
Question: Chamath says you guys hired him at WInamp, before AOL bought the company. Is that true?
Asked by anon (59.167.215.x) on August 24 2017, 10:48am
Reply on August 25 2017, 12:17am (edited at August 25 2017, 1:17am):
    Edit: listening to the Internet History Podcast interview -- I think Chamath glosses over and/or misremembers some. He never says "before AOL" but he describes it as "Winamp" when it was actually AOL. Chamath's characterizations of AOL and its dysfunction are spot on...
Question: I have a son. He is 9 years old. He has his dreams of making his own games for computers, ipads. What do you advise him? Where he should start?
Asked by Mehmethan (188.57.8.x) on August 17 2017, 11:51pm
Reply on August 18 2017, 12:17am:
    I'd learn basic programming first. Or BASIC. No just basic.. The hard part is finding something interesting and motivating. Javascript can be satisfying to start with.. but it's hard for me to really say about this, since it was so long since I got started, and when I did it was in a world without access to documentation, starting on an Atari 8-bit w/ BASIC, and later on a IBM PC with Turbo Pascal, then Turbo C. The world today has little in common with those days...
Question: REAPER on my linux machine, installable with a single "yaourt -S reaper"???? what is this sorcery????????? Do you know how much I love you right now??????????????????????? That's a lot of unnecessary punctuation, by the way.
Asked by oh god (95.235.17.x) on August 17 2017, 4:11pm
Reply on August 18 2017, 12:15am:
Question: Is there any subject you struggle with intellectually?
Asked by Will (97.93.225.x) on August 16 2017, 2:59pm
Reply on August 16 2017, 6:13pm:
    I almost always misunderstand poetry.
Question: Whats my dads favourite colour
Asked by Isaac (5.65.240.x) on August 16 2017, 12:54pm
Reply on August 16 2017, 6:14pm:
    I must admit I don't think I correctly understand this question.
Question: What is your opinion on Ubuntu? Debian vs Ubuntu? What do you prefer for music production?
Asked by Franci (86.61.5.x) on August 15 2017, 1:40pm
Reply on August 15 2017, 2:12pm:
    I like them both about equally I guess? Find myself using both and not having a strong opinion...
Question: Elastic audio from pro tools, audio snap from Sonar.When will reaper make this feature?
Asked by Guitarist (45.244.39.x) on August 14 2017, 7:24am
Reply on August 14 2017, 4:44pm:
    REAPER already has stretch markers and transient guide markers, so uh yeah there you go.
Question: I was unfamiliar with IPFS, interesting, read into a little. Do you think it will take over (in foreseeable future) ?
Asked by wasereb4 (87.167.88.x) on August 14 2017, 1:11am
Reply on August 14 2017, 4:44pm:
    Who knows?
Question: Name one coding project that you abandoned unfinished (if any).
Asked by wasereb4 (79.246.89.x) on August 12 2017, 2:27am
Reply on August 12 2017, 11:13am:
    SARS (client-level encryption for FTP/SFTP clients, so you could upload things to untrusted servers and have them be only meaningfully visible to you or people who shared your key), many years ago. Also more recently, WATCH, I suppose (which might be somewhat similar to IPFS).
Question: Have you done any extensive modifications to vim? There's a plugin for Sublime called NeoVintageous which emulates Vim quite well. Sublime also has really great fuzzy searching out of the box with Ctrl-P. There are a few plugins using libclang for auto complete and linting as well. Why the older versions of VS? Less bloat? Backwards compatibility?
Asked by fmap (47.54.22.x) on August 11 2017, 9:56pm
Reply on August 12 2017, 1:40am:
    Nah just small mods to vim. VS2013 is pretty recent, when I last tried a newer version (2015) it would crash compiling our code, go figure. VS2013 and 2015 are really sluggish even on relatively capable systems. VC6 is nice and quick, despite its flaws.
Question: What do you use as an editor? MSVS exclusively? Have you tried modal editors like vim or emacs? Sublime Text? How does your toolchain vary per platform?
Asked by fmap (47.54.22.x) on August 10 2017, 5:37pm
Reply on August 10 2017, 10:00pm (edited at August 12 2017, 1:39am):
    I mostly use vim, but also sometimes VC6 or xcode. VS2013 is fine but so incredibly slow, sometimes you hit Ctrl+F to find something and start typing the thing you're searching for, and the search box hasnt come up yet so instead it keeps editing the code, etc. Drives me nuts. I've tried sublime text at times, but generally prefer vim.

    Toolchains -- for testing on win32, I usually prefer the ancient VC6, but sometimes VS2012 (especially if I'm going to do some debugging, since VC6 on wow64 debugs roughly). On OS X it's the latest Xcode for development (older Xcode version + ICC for release builds). On Linux, make/gcc/gdb/etc.
Question: What was your favorite day so far, and why?
Asked by Will (97.93.225.x) on August 9 2017, 1:57am
Reply on August 9 2017, 7:47pm (edited at August 9 2017, 7:48pm):
    Heck if I know. I've definitely had weird days, and good days, and days I've regretted, but a favorite? No idea.
Question: have you published the code for your html player and visualization?
Asked by beefdead (91.211.48.x) on August 8 2017, 8:39am
Reply on August 8 2017, 2:27pm:
Question: Many users asked you about ARA support for melodyne and I know your answers to them and I understand. What about if a user asks you about to make "reatune" more poweful?
Asked by Mehmethan (85.103.42.x) on August 8 2017, 5:01am
Reply on August 8 2017, 2:27pm:
    Yes of course, regular FR rules/behaviors apply
Question: More weirdness. After a clean system shutdown I did the inconceivable, removed the second HDD from the system. Then windows didn't boot, it didn't like the change so started error checking then "fixing". It took some time... Eventually fed up, now everything runs a variation of Linux... Any progress of SWELL for Linux?
Asked by Gio (94.70.7.x) on August 7 2017, 4:26am
Reply on August 8 2017, 2:28pm:
    Fun times. REAPER for linux is reasonably usable...
Question: I'm FSFICcc$ie9╞☼43(closest approximation) from Alpha Centauri. I'm interested to know if your originally from around my area. My ship broke down and I'm nearly about about ready to get off this god forsaken planet and was wondering if you wanted a ride! Also, seems I have to be a human to reply, but I do share 67% of the same DNA. Hopefully that's good
Asked by Johnson (67.198.90.x) on August 6 2017, 2:52pm
Reply on August 6 2017, 8:43pm:
    Is the ship that I would be riding on more reliable than the one that broke down here?
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