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Question: I read somewhere that you don't like dark themes and still REAPER 6 is dark by default. Weird :P Anyway, in softwares, why there are constant updates for bug fixes? I mean, can't developers fix all bugs at once and release a bug-free software? Or when developers try to fix bugs or add something, then new bugs appear? Are softwares suppose to have bugs? It means that OS we use like Windows, Mac, Ubuntu, even they have bugs? Suppose if we are working on a critical project and boom, our computer crash? Bad :(
Asked by Abhi (122.161.247.x) on February 23 2020, 4:30am
Reply on February 23 2020, 10:03pm:
    The number of states that very complex software can be in is probably too high to ever make it bug-free, IMO.

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