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Question: Are all icons, buttons and all theme related things inside REAPER 6 raster or vector? If still raster (same as bitmap, I guess), why not switch into vector, which looks better and more polished and also can be resized into any resolution without blurring?
Asked by Abhi (182.68.241.x) on February 27 2020, 7:54am
Reply on February 27 2020, 4:14pm:
    Raster. Too much work to change.

  • Posted by Abhi (171.79.77.x) on February 28 2020, 8:38am:
    Ahhhhhh, vector looks much better. All softwares are now shifting into vector stuff. Maybe REAPER 7 or 8, don't worry we can wait (8, wait.. good rhyme :P)

  • Posted by Julian (92.87.123.x) on April 7 2021, 2:34pm:
    +1 for svg please

  • Posted by Greg (89.178.227.x) on August 9 2021, 5:58pm:
    Vector interface is a must

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