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Question: Is 320 kbps mp3 best music quality? Which quality and extension (m4a, flac) you prefer for general listening? Also a bonus question, which is your most favourite Billie Eilish song? :D
Asked by Bill (162.243.246.x) on February 27 2020, 4:11pm
Reply on February 27 2020, 4:15pm:
    I'm pretty happy with mp3 @ 192kbps. I don't know any Billie Eilish songs.

  • Posted by AnotherBill (198.16.66.x) on February 28 2020, 7:55am:
    Listen to Billie Eilish's Ocean Eye song. It's very beautiful :)

  • Posted by AnotherBill (198.16.66.x) on February 28 2020, 7:59am:
    By the way, any reason why do you prefer 192 kbps mp3? Why not higher than it? Because 192 kbps cut-off frequency is around 19 KHz (very near to the higher limit of human audible range?)

  • Posted by Justin on February 28 2020, 1:26pm:
    I might (if I remember to bother) -- re: 192kbps, it's not that I prefer it to 320, just that (with a modern encoder) 192 (and 19kHz) is good enough for me

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