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Question: Just like there is 'Instruments' button in FX in REAPER, why there is no 'effects' button there which just shows all effects scanned by REAPER of any type (VST2, VST3 etc.). It would be easy to find effects in that manner, just like it is really easy to find instruments.
Asked by Joker (198.16.76.x) on February 28 2020, 4:16pm
Reply on March 1 2020, 3:40pm:
    Hmm what button are you speaking of?

  • Posted by Abhi (122.162.217.x) on March 2 2020, 6:57am:
    I think he is talking about the 'FX' button on each tracks. When we click that FX button, we see list of all installed VST plugins. Over there, in left side, we have VST, VSTi, DX, JS, and so on, and there is 'Instruments' category too, where we can only see all instrument plugins. There is no 'Effects' category, yes, I have checked it. Though I search plugins through filter, but still, having a 'Effect' category button will be helpful.

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