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Question: Is English your native language? Beside English, how many languages you know? If you know, then what's the point of learning those other languages as with only English, you can communicate with literally any person in the whole world. Don't you feel lucky that you can speak English fluently whereas majority of the people in this world can't speak fluently? Don't you feel lucky that you can watch any Hollywood movie without seeing subtitles? Also, all good tutorials of anything on YouTube are in English, ah!
Asked by Mr. Anderson (46.101.38.x) on March 5 2020, 3:52pm
Reply on March 6 2020, 3:32am:
    Yes, English is my native language. I also know some French, Spanish and German in decreasing capacity. I do feel fortunate that English is such a dominant language, it does open a lot of doors! But I like to learn other languages because it is interesting (even if you can't speak them well). I also know a few phrases in Danish which is really quite entertaining.

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