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Question: hey! - out of thousands of choices- why pick kenny gioia? (were they recommended, or friend/family/ just the right skills/abilities??)
Asked by 2020 (91.110.225.x) on March 6 2020, 11:49pm
Reply on March 7 2020, 1:42am:
    I'm a huge fan of boy bands.

  • Posted by Abhi (117.234.207.x) on March 7 2020, 3:40am:
    @2020 where Justin chose Kenny? I am a huge fan of Kenny's videos so that's why, I am curious. @Justin boy bands? I didn't know Kenny has his own band too. I thought, he is just a teacher :O

  • Posted by 2020 (91.110.225.x) on March 7 2020, 12:47pm:
    lol- idktbh.. but president jf is a master of short non_answers and curve balling responses! :p bless..

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