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Question: ReaSynth - only one & very basic one. Okay. But, what's the point of making it when there are lots of synths out there. For quickly checking whether REAPER is making any sound or not? Why DAWs come with instruments and effects plugins whereas you can find them everywhere in internet, both paid and free. Even the free ones are of very good quality these days. Why DAW developers waste their energy in this? Why not just work into core DAW development? Also, same question to you about REAPER inbuilt plugins.
Asked by Abhi (117.234.14.x) on March 9 2020, 4:19am
Reply on March 9 2020, 12:53pm (edited at March 9 2020, 12:54pm):
    For fun? It was last meaningfully updated 10 years ago. Overall -- built-in plug-ins are very useful, reliable and efficient and tiny and always available on REAPER installs, so there's great value there. I make a ton of content using ReaEQ/ReaComp/ReaGate and some JSFX that I wouldn't want to have to replace on multiple platforms.

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