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Question: do you think the covid-19 was engineered and intended as a biochemical weapon?
Asked by escanor (112.198.69.x) on March 16 2020, 8:55pm
Reply on March 16 2020, 9:12pm:

  • Posted by Abhi (117.234.163.x) on March 17 2020, 4:19am:
    @escanor I think it so. Maybe by some evil minded Chinese people there? They wanted to spread it outside China but accidentally leaked in their own country? Why the heck scientists will develop these kind of dangerous things?

  • Posted by escanor (112.198.69.x) on March 17 2020, 6:21am:
    @Abhi it seems engineered. an infected one wouldn't notice it until 2 weeks where the virus is already spread across the lungs. i could be wrong though.

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