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Question: Don't know if it is inappropriate to ask here but I haven't found any information about how to properly layer instruments (like 2 or more VSTi plugins) and play all of them with just one MIDI item. And also able to apply different different effects to each instrument. All other DAWs have this. And this is very very helpful for layering drums, instruments in electronic music. If it is possible, can you pass on this to Kenny sir so that he will make a video in this topic? Or maybe you can tell us here?
Asked by LAYERS!!! (104.131.19.x) on March 18 2020, 9:03am
Reply on March 18 2020, 7:04pm:
    You should ask on the forum, but in short: there are many ways, the easiest way is to route the MIDI from one track to two tracks, each with a VSTi+FX on it. But go to the forum or the tutorial videos...

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