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Question: hey! - when you do the super8 live sessions..what tempo do you set each time? 60bpm/realtime,or other..?
Asked by 2020 (95.151.177.x) on March 22 2020, 4:42pm
Reply on March 22 2020, 7:00pm:
    It's arbitrary, set by when I play the first part (I start/stop recording with a food switch)

  • Posted by 2020 (95.151.177.x) on March 22 2020, 10:42pm:
    ahhh- so your not really using reapers timeline then? everything is synced via super8? or? it appears your beatclock is going very fast.. (foodswitch? is that tasty or typo? :p )

  • Posted by Justin on March 25 2020, 2:45am:
    Yes, when using super8 live it's all super8, and REAPER's used as a glorified mixer/patchbay/FX processor. Super8 is only really used that way. You can however export your loops to the REAPER timeline, if you want to cut it into a song (many of my Alone/ music were done that way)

  • Posted by Justin on March 25 2020, 2:45am:
    Oh and yes "foot switch" but I like a food switch too haha

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