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Question: Does REAPER import/export configuration has backup for everything I can do in REAPER? Like downloading custom icons for using in my custom toolbars, tweaking themes (like changing colors, icons etc.), all the things I tweak in preferences menu, all my layouts (like I have two custom toolbars, in upper side and in right side), all my custom actions etc.? Does it also backup external stuffs like themes, fonts which I download from stash? So, if I uninstall and reinstall REAPER, will I lose anything?
Asked by Abhi (122.161.218.x) on March 30 2020, 6:39pm
Reply on March 30 2020, 9:36pm:
    The easiest way is to test this. Generally yes, though I'm sure there are exceptions.

  • Posted by Abhi (117.234.162.x) on March 31 2020, 4:38am:
    Ahhhh, okay. I am customizing REAPER for few past days according to my own liking. Customizing everything, from shortcuts to layouts to toolbars etc. And suppose in future if I want to reinstall a fresh copy of Windows, I just don't want to lose any of my customisation :( okay, i test it now

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