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Question: How many third party plugins (both Virtual Instruments & Effects) do you use? And what are they? Also, whichever 3rd party plugin(s) you use, if they are already in REAPER, why not using the REAPER ones? Or if they are not present at the moment, why not you add them in REAPER? As you said in your previous post that "Adding a new feature that I really want to use and then using it is probably the most satisfying."
Asked by Three Parties (178.128.104.x) on March 31 2020, 8:58am
Reply on March 31 2020, 10:22pm:
    About the only thing I use that isn't built-in REAPER is Pianoteq... It would be nice to have something like it in REAPER, yes. But where does one begin there? :)


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