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Question: Dude - Feel so bad about what's happening your end in this Crisis! I am GenX, and was bought up as a Kurt Cobain want to be @unt ;'), not believing gov't stuff, but, things change!!! hope you are ok ''On a lighter note, have you had a chance to trail run/road run?. Get rid of 1st world problems ;) We were going to do this - runningcalendar.com.au/event/ultra...but things are different, and the bush has burn't down. Anyway, One day, MY QUESTION IS-WILL YOU DO SOME ULTRA RUNNING IN
Asked by @citizen (49.196.172.x) on April 10 2020, 4:24pm
Reply on April 10 2020, 4:46pm:
    Oops I missed the end of the question. Been running in the city in the middle of the street here. I had two 50 milers I was signed up for that were canceled. Looking forward to some more in the future! That race looks nice, hopefully it doesn't get canceled. :/

  • Posted by @citizen (49.196.161.x) on April 10 2020, 5:43pm:
    Haha - No worries. Think word count went over ;). I guess the streets would be safe to run in the middle these days:). Sux, about your races getting canceled!, gotta stay healthy hey ;) Yeah, here in Aust, you can't run with another person now (social Dist), which is safe I guess, I would be 1 km ahead anyway;). Anyway, if you are bored and looking for amazing trails to run in the future etc.. - my brother did this 1000km 2years ago - .youtube.com/watch?v=cCYBMVyhWXk .Was amazing!!!

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