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Question: Action List is so clever thing. Only in few softwares I found these types of similar things (like Audacity?). From where you got inspiration to make the action list containing every possible actions and also assigning those action into custom buttons? :) Isn't it hard for you guys to manage all those countless actions? And really every possible action we can do in REAPER is readily available in action list? Or just like, 95-99% only?
Asked by Abhi (182.64.47.x) on April 11 2020, 5:56am
Reply on April 11 2020, 8:52pm:
    The history: in 1.0, there were only static shortcut keys and menu items. Then in v1.01 (very soon after 1.0, in 2006), the notion of actions were added, and a preferences pane which let you assign keyboard shortcuts to the actions (it was later updated to effectively create custom actions).

    In v1.844 (2007) a "find action" window was added (initially as a search function for the preferences pane, but later for being opened with the ? key).

    In v2.42 (2008), the current (conceptual) version of that window was added, which moved things out of the preferences and into a combined window which listed the actions, key bindings, etc, and let you manage them there.

    TL;DR: it evolved that way

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