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Question: I want to convert some videos, which are very huge in file-size. I read that we can convert them to a particular lower bit-rate which can drastically reduce file-size without reducing their quality. Is 512 kbps good for a normal HD video in 30 fps? One of my video bitrate is 2514 kbps. So, will I lose significant quality iin video if I reduce it to 512 kbps bitrate?
Asked by Abhi (122.161.81.x) on April 13 2020, 9:56am
Reply on April 14 2020, 12:35am:
    It depends a lot on the content of the video.

  • Posted by Abhi (117.234.179.x) on April 14 2020, 2:24am:
    Oh, those are just music tutorial videos. Those teachers use DAWs to teach lots of topics. I have converted a video of like 2000 kbps bitrate into 512 kbps and I didn't see any issue at all. Both video looks same but reduce file size a lot, like around 1/4th of the original video. So it can make my 1 GB video into 256 MB without any (major?) difference in quality. Btw, is this bitrate similar to audio bitrates (128 kbps, 192 kbps, 320 kbps etc.) ?

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