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Question: hey- does it upset or crush your spirit of creation,looking day after day,week after week,year in and out,seeing endless bugs reports/forum complaints and general hoo-ha whinging >about reaper?< (& how can this be solved,if so?)
Asked by 2020 (95.151.177.x) on April 16 2020, 10:13pm
Reply on April 17 2020, 4:17pm:
    Not really, you have to have thick skin to get by putting things on the internet. What gets to me is severe bugs in REAPER (e.g. crashing that is not a plug-in's fault), but thankfully we don't have too many of those (*knocks on wood*).

  • Posted by 2020 (95.151.177.x) on April 17 2020, 11:42pm:
    That rhinoceros skin attitude is perfect > respect.

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