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Question: in which software you make reaper?
Asked by okay (27.58.10.x) on January 26 2021, 3:35pm
Reply on January 26 2021, 11:47pm:
    We compile it using VC6/2005 w/ICC on win32/win64, gcc on Linux, and xcode/clang/ICC on macOS.
1 Comment...
Question: thanks for Reaper m/. listen to АРИЯ, Master Boot Record, Anaal Nathrakh
Asked by ChExi (212.22.193.x) on January 26 2021, 2:48am
Reply on January 26 2021, 11:47pm:
Question: How much time it can take just by a single person to develop a nice full-fledged software? (like reaper, gimp etc.). Is it possible to start learning coding & make great software at the age of 27?
Asked by A Simple Man (27.58.99.x) on January 25 2021, 3:21pm
Reply on January 25 2021, 9:01pm:
    Sure by the time you're 35 you'll be well on your way! :) Things always (or rather, should?) start small and grow as you go...
Question: Are you still sad that our boy, Conor McGregor, lost the fight last night?
Asked by Mommy (86.106.87.x) on January 24 2021, 10:15pm
Reply on January 25 2021, 2:41am:
Question: Hello Mr. Frankel, This is not really a question but rather a brief message thanking you for your work. I use REAPER every day to record acoustic instruments and produce midi mockups; its routing power and stability, not to mention its many great functions (sub-projects, ...) have changed my daily life. I wish you (with a slight delay ...) a beautiful and happy year new full of projects, sporting and musical meetings. Thanks for creating this awesome tool! Yours truly, Charles (Arlequin)
Asked by Charles (Arlequin) (212.224.238.x) on January 24 2021, 4:49pm
Reply on January 25 2021, 2:41am:
    Aww thanks! Happy New Year to you and stay safe out there!
Question: Delete your Twitter-Account. The only social-network you'll ever need is waste-central.com/which is hosted by Radiohead themselves. No idea why, but it's full of the cool kids. When will we see you there? ;)
Asked by Mespotine (80.187.117.x) on January 24 2021, 1:34am
Reply on January 25 2021, 2:42am:
    Mmmmmmm I should, right?
Question: Look it's the grandchild of WASTE! - youtu.be/6664mpKmccA
Asked by DaveJ (76.109.106.x) on January 23 2021, 2:53pm
Reply on January 25 2021, 2:42am:
Question: Have you installed REAPER on RaspberryPi? If yes, what distro would you recommend for low latency?
Asked by Albi (92.218.121.x) on January 23 2021, 9:15am
Reply on January 25 2021, 2:42am:
    I have tested it on pis but not seriously :) No idea, I've always just used raspbian.
Question: Do you think the MIDI 2.0 will be implemented in DAW's soon? Any expectation to it?
Asked by Aloha! (179.104.165.x) on January 22 2021, 10:47pm
Reply on January 25 2021, 2:43am:
    I don't see it happening soon, no
Question: Any insight why I see different CPU usage for a process with the exact load at different times? It's an approx. 1.5-2% difference from the ideal/target usage at times.
Asked by Gio (94.70.31.x) on January 22 2021, 1:59am
Reply on January 22 2021, 3:33pm:
    Power management, thermal management, measuring inaccuracies due to other processes on the system (context-switching and cache invalidation), inaccuracies due to hyperthreading...
1 Comment...
Question: Hey, do you have any knowledge about SP Flash Tool for Mediatek Android smartphones??
Asked by Why So Hard? (27.58.121.x) on January 21 2021, 4:06am
Reply on January 22 2021, 3:33pm:
Question: Hey- see this sometimes on forum "forum.cockos.com is temporarily down If you are seeing this, it is likely that the forum is down for routine maintenance. It will be back up in a few moments. You can refresh this page at your leisure until it returns. " what is actually occurring in these times please? actual changes or uploading?
Asked by 2021 (2.25.95.x) on January 21 2021, 12:32am
Reply on January 21 2021, 1:05am:
    Automated backups
Question: Is LV2 support coming to REAPER soonish?
Asked by mxmilkiib (31.132.35.x) on January 19 2021, 11:34pm
Reply on January 20 2021, 2:24pm:
    Prerelease soonish yeah
Question: Hey jf,hope all is well..so use firefox mainly and when i browse on forums initially i get the v5 theme,but when i go into a thread (general for eg) this switches to v3 theme..why is that and how can i make it always default to v5 theming for any given thread?? ty.
Asked by 2021 (2.25.95.x) on January 19 2021, 6:42pm
Reply on January 20 2021, 2:24pm:
    No idea, I think there's a user setting perhaps?
Question: Hello, Justin! After beeing asked about speakers and microphones, i want to ask you, which sound card you use under linux .. and headphones in general? (headphones question is just curiousity) .. And is there a way to control "cache samples smaller than.." in RS5K via scipt? Thank you.
Asked by Simon (83.222.186.x) on January 18 2021, 10:25pm
Reply on January 20 2021, 2:26pm:
    On linux I use both a Zoom R24 via USB on a laptop, which is OK, but on my main recording box I have a PCI RME device which is awesome and I highly recommend! (though these days you'd get a PCI-E one). Headphones: Grado SR80 or whatever for open-eared listening, Beyer 770s for some protection from drums etc.
Question: Could you describe the concept of GPL/LGPL related to JS and therefore EEL2, is it possible to use those JS scripts in a proprietary application?
Asked by Gio (94.70.31.x) on January 17 2021, 7:14pm
Reply on January 18 2021, 7:37pm:
    As it pertains to running GPL JSFX in REAPER, perhaps the best analogy is GPL JSFX:REAPER::GPL software::Windows? In keeping with the spirit of the GPL, if proprietary software runs a GPL script, the user should have access to the source of that script and be able to change it.
1 Comment...
Question: Which speakers do you own?
Asked by MS_from_Sweden (82.100.127.x) on January 17 2021, 12:03am
Reply on January 18 2021, 7:36pm:
    I have some ADAM A5s at home that never get used, headphones mostly, and some Meyer HD-1s at the studio which are great and still kickin it (though I had to replace the foam on them)
Question: Which microphones do you own?
Asked by MS_from_Sweden (82.100.127.x) on January 14 2021, 5:31pm
Reply on January 14 2021, 11:11pm:
    More than I can name, but nothing special. In front of me now is a cheapo MXL 770, which isn't bad!
Question: Do you know Jon Gomm? I think he is a great musician. Maybe have a look at this: youtube.com/watch?v=88L0D4UFl9Q
Asked by positiveGuy (94.134.91.x) on January 11 2021, 3:50pm
Reply on January 14 2021, 11:11pm:
    I'll check him out!
Question: A proficient coder told me "If you cannot code on paper, by handwriting, then you cannot really code". Did you write out any of the Winamp code by hand before you actually started typing it in the compiler?
Asked by Mike (73.91.212.x) on January 11 2021, 2:55am
Reply on January 11 2021, 2:45pm:
    Being able to do something and actually doing it are two very different things!
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