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Question: Assembler recommendation for the WDL ecosystem?
Asked by Gio (79.130.177.x) on February 11 2021, 2:08pm
Reply on February 11 2021, 10:30pm:
    nasm is what I end up using usually?
Question: Hi. I have a super old Yamaha PSS-26 non-midi keyboard. Is there any way I can record sound from it into reaper or audacity? I mean not recording from mic, but recording directly via connecting a wire from that keyboard to my laptop? It have a headphone jack, yes.
Asked by The X (27.58.106.x) on February 11 2021, 12:50pm
Reply on February 11 2021, 10:31pm:
    Sure! Probably best to get a dedicated audio interface that you can connect it to, but if your laptop has an audio input jack that would work too.
Question: Have you heard of JACK and Jacktrip for internet jams? or should i just delve into Ninjam, since the recent build of jack is too buggy on windows. big fan of REAPER :)
Asked by pkfire (183.100.211.x) on February 11 2021, 8:47am
Reply on February 11 2021, 10:32pm:
    I've heard of JACK obviously but not Jacktrip. NINJAM is fun! and different.
Question: Have you tried one of the new ARM Macs? Do you plan to switch to one as your main machine?
Asked by Polo (82.56.192.x) on February 10 2021, 8:21pm
Reply on February 10 2021, 8:41pm (edited at February 10 2021, 11:59pm):
    We have an ARM Mac Mini for building/testing, and it's pretty fast. If I'm ever in a situation again where all-day battery life and portability are desired, I'll probably consider it. But honestly I'd rather run linux...
Question: Can a PCM wave file be reconstructed from DAW peak file information? Would the resulting quality be good enough for very low bandwith purposes so that peak files could be actually used as an alternative, extremely efficient audio compression format?
Asked by SonicAxiom (83.135.192.x) on February 10 2021, 7:41pm
Reply on February 10 2021, 8:41pm:
1 Comment...
Question: is possible to display a video file in jsfx? if so how? :) Thank you
Asked by deee (183.89.37.x) on February 10 2021, 6:24am
Reply on February 10 2021, 8:41pm:
    Not currently, nope!
1 Comment...
Question: If you ever accidentally find yourself in Amsterdam - would you like to come and play at the TiNRS synthesizer lab?
Asked by Stijn Kuipers (145.130.207.x) on February 10 2021, 1:25am
Reply on February 10 2021, 8:41pm:
    YES! Though not sure how I'd accidentally get there, but I guess there are scenarios where that could happen.
Question: Do you have any knowledge about Android's bootloaders, recovery, fastboot, adb etc. ? If yes, I can't enter in fastboot mode, though my phone is working properly. Any idea?
Asked by Android Studio One (27.58.124.x) on February 9 2021, 11:48am
Reply on February 9 2021, 2:53pm:
Question: What are your thoughts on Qt, and have you ever used it for any projects?
Asked by someguy (173.208.202.x) on February 8 2021, 9:35pm
Reply on February 9 2021, 2:53pm:
    I haven't.
Question: Do you happen to know what happened to Subband software and MacAMP? I can’t find anything about what became of the software developer.
Asked by Alex McKeever (76.243.42.x) on February 8 2021, 4:35pm
Reply on February 8 2021, 5:07pm:
    I don't, sorry!
1 Comment...
Question: Can you tell us about your academic life? In which field you have done your UG, PG etc. and any others?
Asked by Curios Coder (27.58.9.x) on February 8 2021, 11:53am
Reply on February 8 2021, 5:08pm:
    I went to university for about 6 months in 1996/1997 that was about it
Question: What are your recent series and films you have watched? And your actual ones? A book recommendation: Sapiens by Harari about our species. Harari is one of the most influential philosophers of our time and appreciated by big people like Obama, Merkel, Zuckerberg, Gates and others.
Asked by Chris (46.183.103.x) on February 6 2021, 7:58pm
Reply on February 8 2021, 5:12pm:
    Watching WandaVision now. Re: books, I've heard lots of people talk about Sapiens, yeah, but I generally prefer fiction. The last non-fiction I think I read was "Other Minds" which is about Octopuses as they relate to (or don't relate to) humans (I did enjoy it, though). Currently reading "The Last Human" by Zack Jordan. Off the top of my head, recent books/series I've read that I completely loved include "Gideon the Ninth" and "Harrow the Ninth" by Tamsyn Muir, and the Broken Earth Trilogy by NK Jemisin. Re Tv/movies/fiction, there are way too many things I've liked to list...
Question: Do you know PRS guitars? Do you like them? Have you got a favorite guitar?
Asked by guitarguy (195.145.187.x) on February 5 2021, 8:34pm
Reply on February 6 2021, 1:53am:
    I do, I haven't played a lot of them but rOn had a gorgeous PRS back in the day. Every (decent) guitar has things specific to like about it.. not sure I have a favorite. At home I have strat. At the studio I have a Fernandes Monterey which I also like, for different reasons. And then there's acoustics... anyway
Question: Why do you prefer Lua over Python? According to my research, Python is currently the most popular language and used for both app & web development. Am I correct?
Asked by Cobra (27.58.67.x) on February 5 2021, 7:44pm
Reply on February 6 2021, 1:50am:
    Lua is a lot easier to integrate into other software.
Question: Did you enjoy doing the last PDC optimizations? Was it hard? And finally, what did you learn/what changed since you wrote the original code?
Asked by mlprod (158.174.22.x) on February 5 2021, 7:23pm
Reply on February 6 2021, 1:50am:
    It was a lot of work and a lot of testing/tweaking, but the end result is code that is simpler, less redundant, and more efficient. It also made implementing LV2 easier. Some of that was due to having learned things the first time writing it/evolving it, some of it due to having better practices since then, and the additional experience.
1 Comment...
Question: We all need to set entitlements for our apps (hardened runtime) with Catalina in order to load specific things. Why doesn't Logic Pro app expose any entitlements at all, but still working? Is Apple cheating?
Asked by zabukowski (149.126.144.x) on February 5 2021, 7:15am
Reply on February 6 2021, 1:48am:
    I dunno, maybe they have some special certificate? IIRC things signed before a certain date were exempt from some requirements, too...
Question: No question. I just love Reaper. I use it every day and it always makes me so happy to work with.
Asked by Chris (24.148.47.x) on February 5 2021, 3:32am
Reply on February 6 2021, 1:47am:
1 Comment...
Question: How many programming languages do you know and what are those? Which is your most favourite language among them? Which programming language YOU suggest a beginner to start learning from?
Asked by Coder (27.58.117.x) on February 3 2021, 7:34pm
Reply on February 3 2021, 7:43pm:
    I'm pretty comfortable in C/C++, PHP, JavaScript, Lua, EEL2, and various assembly languages. There might be others, but those are the ones that come to mind as things that get used regularly and where I don't have to spend too much time looking things up. Favorite? Depends on the task. For doing lots of string manipulation, PHP (preg_match/preg_replace! so technically Perl? but with PHP syntax..). Recommending a language similarly is very context dependent, it depends on what you want to do. JavaScript is pretty attractive because the installed base that you can run on is almost everywhere, and you have to deal with a minimum of boilerplate nonsense... but it depends.
Question: Do you write diary? If yes, then physical or electronic? If latter, which app?
Asked by Diary (27.58.117.x) on February 3 2021, 3:08pm
Reply on February 3 2021, 7:06pm:
    Not really no, but when I do I use vi and put it on my web page (so, not often).
Question: Do you still have any connection to Sedona? Would be fun to buy you a cuppa some day.
Asked by coffeepotrock (81.224.120.x) on February 2 2021, 8:35pm
Reply on February 3 2021, 7:06pm:
    Less and less as time goes on, unfortunately! Would love to return to run some more trails though.
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