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Question: How are you ?
Asked by Arlequin (212.224.229.x) on March 23 2021, 2:13pm
Reply on March 25 2021, 4:01am:
    OK considering!

  • Posted by Arlequin (212.224.235.x) on March 25 2021, 3:03pm:
    I hope your knees are better; that you can run as you like to do and especially that this very special period due to Covid does not tarnish too much your passion and your musical inspirations and your daily life. I think there are many people to be happy having you. I wish you a good continuation while waiting for the arrival of the beautiful days! Sorry for the translation. Take care :) Best,

  • Posted by Justin on March 27 2021, 1:41pm:
    Thanks! So far so good, within reason :) Hope you're well wherever you are too!

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