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Question: What are the maximums and minimums blocks that are returned by GetMediaItemTake_Peaks? I have observed that if peakrate == samplerate then peaks[i] == peaks[num_samples+i] == samples[i] (with 'samples' being the table with the values returned by a TakeAudioAccessor of a take with no envelopes and unchanged item volume). I hope it is ok me asking about this again here. Thank you!
Asked by amagalma (91.140.103.x) on March 24 2021, 12:32pm
Reply on March 25 2021, 4:04am:
    Email is better! the peakrate vs samplerate is used to help determine when to demarcate individual samples. But seriously send an email to me (first name at company domain) :)

  • Posted by amagalma (91.140.103.x) on March 26 2021, 8:28pm:
    Thank you very much! I will do :)

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