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Question: Do you recommend any mastering tutorial/video course? Thanks!
Asked by Mastering (192.145.127.x) on April 6 2021, 8:27pm
Reply on April 8 2021, 1:13am:
    I don't have any recommendations, sorry
1 Comment...
Question: How many Kenny videos you have watched so far? Also any favourite video(s) of him?
Asked by Ken (so a three letter name can't be taken by askjf.com :O (27.58.68.x) on April 6 2021, 8:53am
Reply on April 8 2021, 1:13am:
    They're all my favorite
Question: how you deal with all thiw chaos,..zen tea?
Asked by sean (209.121.229.x) on April 6 2021, 4:04am
Reply on April 8 2021, 1:13am:
    the trinity of work, exercise, food
Question: Some movie / game / book recommendation ?
Asked by Daniel Lumertz (189.112.49.x) on April 5 2021, 11:06pm
Reply on April 8 2021, 1:18am:
    The books that I read recently that have stuck with me as being really awesome are by Tamsyn Muir: "Gideon the Ninth" and "Harrow the Ninth." Also NK Jemisin's Broken Earth trilogy, Iain M Banks Culture series, anything by Vonnegut or Philip K Dick... movie (that I like, but the first one that came to mind): Children of Men. Games: Resident Evil 5, the mercenaries mode especially, though I've given up on games since these days I just get motion sickness.
Question: If Reaper runs out, you're going to give the project to someone else?
Asked by Bung (88.237.85.x) on April 5 2021, 3:55pm
Reply on April 5 2021, 5:52pm:
    The Reaper would have to come for Reaper, in which case which Reaper would win?
Question: hi Justin.. I am using OSCii bot with BehringerX32. I need to send an OSC address which has both string and integer in the same address.. X32 is expecting "/subscribe ,si /ch/01/mix/on 50" the 50 is the integer to request update frequency for the string.. is there anyway to send both string and integer from a single "oscsend" command in OSCii ?
Asked by EcBaPr (119.18.3.x) on April 5 2021, 10:42am
Reply on April 5 2021, 11:00am:
    I think you want something like something like: oscsend(device,"si/subscribe","/ch/01/mix/on",50);

    (the "si" prefix tells it a string and an integer will be the values)
1 Comment...
Question: Back in the 90's, early 00's, did Nullsoft/Winamp pay any mp3 patent royalties to Fraunhofer? Or was the mp3 decoder free to use for anyone?
Asked by MS_from_Sweden (82.100.127.x) on April 4 2021, 7:46pm
Reply on April 4 2021, 8:30pm:
    Not initially, but eventually.
Question: How many songs should be in a regular album? Some artists only put like 3-4 songs per album whereas some artists put huge songs like 22-23 songs per album. According to you how many songs per album is enough?
Asked by Artist (27.58.99.x) on April 4 2021, 4:27am
Reply on April 4 2021, 8:30pm:
    I think around 40-60 minutes is a good album length. Number of songs, that depends!
Question: In an interview Brian Eno talked about a loop relation there is between technology creators and artists . In very few words: A artists use some technology in a way it was not design to, and then some technology maker redo the tool, and then a artist use it for something it is not design to and so on… Do you see this happening in REAPER development ? Source youtu.be/JUL8kNYmgsA?t=1440from 24:00 to 25:00. (he starts this subject in 20:40 if you are interest for more in that interview )
Asked by Daniel Lumertz (189.112.150.x) on April 2 2021, 12:37pm
Reply on April 2 2021, 9:55pm:
    Yeah sure. Not music related, but Winamp skins came about that way...

    It also happens automatically when you're a musician and a software developer too :)
Question: Any April fool ya made to someone or someone to ya?
Asked by Cool (27.58.103.x) on April 2 2021, 8:40am
Reply on April 2 2021, 9:55pm:
    They can be funny but also sort of sad?
Question: Are the rumors true ? Reaper is only 13mb because you and Schwa still use floppy disks to share reaper versions? xD
Asked by Not J.R.R.John Willians (189.112.150.x) on April 1 2021, 5:50pm
Reply on April 1 2021, 8:08pm:
    Floppy disks would be way too small for that!
Question: Do you more love or hate past Justin?
Asked by Vitali (195.191.162.x) on March 31 2021, 8:45pm
Reply on March 31 2021, 8:51pm:
    I tolerate him :)
Question: Do you regularly use any third party stuffs in REAPER? Like SWS extensions, X-Raym scripts, Playtime etc. ?? If yes, can you also suggest here good helpful ones?
Asked by WaterWolf (27.58.68.x) on March 31 2021, 4:11pm
Reply on March 31 2021, 8:51pm:
    I don't really!
Question: Ummmmm, any plan of making default reaper 6 light theme? Current one = too dark for mine & many others' eyes :( ......... like, reaper 5 kinda light, but reaper 6 theme???
Asked by Tbh, R5 theme was more visible than R6, really (207.244.71.x) on March 30 2021, 11:10am
Reply on March 30 2021, 1:20pm:
    Try the color controls?
Question: Do you use recursion a lot, can you name an example usage in REAPER code (if any)?
Asked by wasereb4 (79.246.88.x) on March 28 2021, 10:34pm
Reply on March 28 2021, 10:38pm:
    Rarely, much more common is to have a stack...
Question: What feature do you still lack in REAPER and wanna future Justin to implement in? :)
Asked by Vitali (195.191.162.x) on March 28 2021, 9:49pm
Reply on March 28 2021, 10:38pm:
    Finishing VST3 bridging maybe
Question: Hey Reaper is great thing to me, and I just wanted to thank you! It was my first DAW, It really change my perspective about softwares and helped me shape my music over the years . Last year I started scripting and was one thing I had never done before(programming) and I am somehow kinda addicted to it! Even started to learn other languages is soo coooool! Making some friends in the community that is really friendly, thanks for “building” this part really well. :) :)
Asked by Aloha! (187.32.161.x) on March 28 2021, 12:45am
Reply on March 28 2021, 10:38pm:
Question: youtu.be/EPlN_ev6Qk4?t=101"Reaper is a great daw that is open source". Interesting shoutout. hmm.
Asked by ohboy (79.22.119.x) on March 27 2021, 6:19pm
Reply on March 28 2021, 12:34am:
    It's the thought that counts!
Question: Do you use notation events feature in REAPER? If yes, for which thing you use it?
Asked by Xavier word is hard to pronounce (27.58.31.x) on March 27 2021, 5:40pm
Reply on March 28 2021, 12:34am:
    Rarely :)
Question: Do you like Minecraft? Also it is possible to make entire world in it, considering time duration not taken seriously ;-)
Asked by Blocky blocks (27.58.121.x) on March 26 2021, 5:16pm
Reply on March 27 2021, 1:46pm:
    I've only played it a few times, it seemed like fun but also a huge timesink ;) Apparently it is turing-complete so yeah it should be possible to build anything it, given enough space and time
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