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Question: Did you get vaccinated? What are you thoughts about anti-vax people claiming that we, vaccinated people, will be dead in 2 to 3 years.
Asked by Mommy (195.80.149.x) on July 22 2021, 3:53pm
Reply on July 22 2021, 10:28pm (edited at July 22 2021, 10:29pm):
    Yes, I got the Pfizer shots in April. What's especially disheartening is that a lot of people with very large mouthpieces are promoting anti-vax nonsense while they themselves have already been vaccinated.

  • Posted by DdSL (186.210.89.x) on July 23 2021, 5:12pm:
    To me is a complete mystery how USA, the country with more economic power, have so much anti-vax movements.... it is so weird

  • Posted by Erin (75.15.159.x) on July 23 2021, 7:12pm:
    I 100% agree concerning well-established and proven vaccines & vaccine technologies. But the idea that we should blindly and unquestioningly trust these new mRNA vaccines is an insane position, IMO. And somehow a political statement. The vaccines may be fine, with little long term consequences, but that's not proven yet. In fact, there's evidence the spike protein on its own causes unexpected harm.

  • Posted by Justin on July 24 2021, 3:38am:
    It's not blind and unquestioningly when there are large-scale trials. Also, the spike protein on its own may cause harm, but you only get a little of it (vs a shit-ton when you otherwise inevitably get covid)

  • Posted by Rand Mc Randy (89.82.152.x) on July 25 2021, 5:06pm:
    Could you recommend some good sources about these kinds of vaccine questions? (the less opiniated, the better)

  • Posted by Justin on July 26 2021, 9:39pm:
    Which questions?

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