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Question: How to create a vst bridge? COM or pipes? Which one provides the lowest latency? Which technology reaper uses?
Asked by ruchira (123.231.106.x) on August 12 2021, 3:39pm
Reply on August 12 2021, 3:46pm:
    On Win32 REAPER uses shared memory for data transfer and events for signalling, see WDL/shm_connection.*

  • Posted by ruchira (123.231.106.x) on August 14 2021, 2:10am:
    Is it fast enough for realtime audio processing?

  • Posted by Justin on August 14 2021, 10:12pm:
    Generally yes though it does have a roundtrip latency that is nonzero, so at very low latencies (e.g. 64 samples @ 48k) you'll spend a decent amount of time synchronizin

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