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Question: Hey, I have heard Windows 11 will be 64 bit only. Will this affect REAPER in any way? It affected when MacOS (catalina, I guess?) was all 64-bit.
Asked by Macrohard (223.177.4.x) on August 15 2021, 8:18am
Reply on August 15 2021, 1:47pm:
    It'll mean not being able to run 32-bit REAPER or 32-bit bridged plug-ins

  • Posted by wasereb4 (87.167.82.x) on August 17 2021, 11:45pm:
    Isn't it that there just won't be a 32 bit build but still supports 32 bit apps, just like Win10, that's what I've gathered so far at least.

  • Posted by Abhi (27.58.14.x) on August 18 2021, 3:31am:
    Thank god, I have changed all my plugins to all 64-bit now. So Windows 11 is really end of 32-bit computing. It's good that finally there will be more consistency and no more "choose your download architecture" options anywhere.

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