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Question: A curiosity I always had and couldn't find the why on the forums: why Python modules crash when trying to import them into a reascript in python? Also why is the network of lua disabled?
Asked by DdSL (189.112.150.x) on August 30 2021, 3:56pm
Reply on August 31 2021, 1:17am:
    Python is relatively difficult to integrate into other apps, so I dunno. I wasn't aware that Lua had network support natively? Or did you mean EEL2's network API? I suppose we could port that to Lua.

  • Posted by DdSL (189.112.244.x) on September 2 2021, 4:15am:
    Ah man sorry! I didn't notice it wasnt a native thing in lua, it is a module sorry! :/ Hm the EEL2 have network api then, I might find a way to use it with a lua script then hm;.... Thanks for the answer, clear now!

  • Posted by Mespotine (95.90.174.x) on September 2 2021, 1:30pm:
    Having the network features of EEL2 available in Lua would be great. Lua itself has no network support unfortunately afaik. Somebody had made a web-network-module for Lua but it's heavily outdated and I think not loadable in Reaper's Lua integration.

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