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Question: Around Y2K I have a memory of using an incredible Shoutcast client with chat rooms, and thought it was the coolest thing on earth. Do you remember what this might have been? Thanks for shaping internet music from the very beginning!
Asked by Ferro (50.71.219.x) on December 25 2021, 2:47pm
Reply on December 25 2021, 7:14pm:
    Ah I dunno, sorry! Sounds cool though
Question: Is there a way to add my own fx_ident as returned by functions like TrackFX_GetNamedConfigParm? Can I add that using Juce/Cockos' VST-extension to my own plugin in any way? Where do I look for information about it? Thnx.
Asked by Mespotine (2.247.250.x) on December 25 2021, 4:15am
Reply on December 25 2021, 7:18pm:
1 Comment...
Question: If schwa II came along, would you hire him/her? :)
Asked by wasereb4 (79.246.80.x) on December 25 2021, 3:06am
Reply on December 25 2021, 7:18pm:
    Nah, too much work
Question: Is possible for the user create their own osc actions ? Like something that is not listed in the os default filé . Like send the name of the item currently playing in track 1
Asked by DdSL (179.104.166.x) on December 24 2021, 5:40pm
Reply on December 25 2021, 7:18pm:
    There's some room but not a ton. We should add OSC support to ReaScript to round it out better
Question: Thanks for all your hard work. I'm working on a theme builder script. My skills in lua come from about 2 years of teaching myself. I know I can get it to something I will use but my aim is to make something other people will want to use. Do you have any tips. Like am I out of my league?
Asked by Mister Levy (58.84.94.x) on December 24 2021, 6:57am
Reply on December 25 2021, 7:19pm:
    I'm not sure what your goals are, but if you are then you're definitely not out of your league! It takes patience and persistence but you should be good, assuming your goals are within the realm of possible ;)
Question: Happy new year and xmas for you and loved ones !
Asked by Daniel Lumertz (186.210.94.x) on December 23 2021, 5:52am
Reply on December 25 2021, 7:19pm:
    Thanks you too!
Question: Did you ever think sitting on an IRC channel hacking away at stuff with an itenerant band of strangers from across the world that you'd be where you are now?
Asked by AldE (98.211.96.x) on December 21 2021, 8:06pm
Reply on December 21 2021, 9:16pm:
    That's exactly where I am now... ok not exactly ;) shrug
Question: hi man! thanks again for creating the Reaper i appreciate it so much! my question is what is your thoughts on gpu audio processing? when all we can get a full advantage of our graphic cards on audio processing? did you ever work on it?
Asked by ChExi (78.159.40.x) on December 20 2021, 11:19pm
Reply on December 21 2021, 4:15am:
    I haven't looked at it in a long time, but not sure if we really need it at this point since CPUs are so fast?
1 Comment...
Question: no question. just saying hello. hope you are well!
Asked by nullbyte (65.31.176.x) on December 18 2021, 5:25am
Reply on December 18 2021, 2:01pm:
    Hi hi ltns!
Question: I do not have a question I just wanted to thank you for your work in the PC audio space. I loved Winamp and love even more to hear that Reaper was developed by one of the same people. Thank you.
Asked by DustyBeta (79.110.54.x) on December 18 2021, 3:27am
Reply on December 18 2021, 2:01pm:
    Thanks :)
Question: greetings earthling =) 1st giving special happiness,wellness,best wishes and festive thoughts for this seasonal time of year :D so,have you taken the time to study both the "emerald tablets" and the "hermetica" - authored by Thoth (the atlantean scribe) ? *recommended*
Asked by unnamed1 (91.110.225.x) on December 18 2021, 2:05am
Reply on December 18 2021, 2:01pm:
    I haven't, currently reading the new Neal Stephenson book, slowly.
1 Comment...
Question: Are there viewers in Reaper?
Asked by Anonymous (185.220.101.x) on December 17 2021, 6:17pm
Reply on December 17 2021, 10:20pm:
    What does that mean?
1 Comment...
Question: What do you think about the new CLAP-plugin format that could be an alternative to VST (kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f..., (github.com/free-audio
Asked by shorty (91.42.246.x) on December 17 2021, 6:32am
Reply on December 17 2021, 10:19pm:
    While I loathe the idea of implementing yet another plugin format, the spec looks very reasonable...
Question: Could you discuss the recommended course of action regarding WDL_ASSERT(!buf[id3_pos]); (tag.h:554)?
Asked by Gio (94.70.4.x) on December 16 2021, 3:15am
Reply on December 16 2021, 3:47am:
    Find out who wrote the tag and tell them it's not to spec? or comment it out if it bothers you :)
Question: Do you know about CPU setter? whatroute.net/cpusetter.html#overviewWould it be possible to get Reaper more immune against other processed stealing attention by setting the Nice value of Reaper to for example -10 instead of 0? Or is this a bad idea or even the same as adjusting the thread priority in Reaper itself?
Asked by mlprod (185.81.111.x) on December 15 2021, 2:41pm
Reply on December 16 2021, 3:49am:
    REAPER already schedules its threads at higher priorities depending on the OS, so I dunno
1 Comment...
Question: g'day- so when you are recording,do you always use latest version of reaper,or a trusty older build?
Asked by unnamed1 (91.110.225.x) on December 15 2021, 1:56pm
Reply on December 16 2021, 3:48am:
    I usually use our main (pre-release) branch but sometimes the +dev branch, rarely releases.
Question: Is pcmsrc_mp3dec.cpp broken related to PackID3Chunk? Can't get a clean build of reaper_mp3 with latest WDL
Asked by Gio (94.70.4.x) on December 13 2021, 1:05pm
Reply on December 13 2021, 2:21pm:
    Ah yeah I need to update the reaper SDK repository, will do that later today!
Question: hey- so,is there a simple+safe way (for dummies) to recover from "programe not responding" ? (on a win10 system)
Asked by unnamed1 (91.110.225.x) on December 12 2021, 11:59pm
Reply on December 13 2021, 2:21pm:
    Recover the program? No, best you can do is create a dump file to have the developer debug it, probably.
1 Comment...
Question: What do you think about “ metaverse” subject and future of DAWs specially about Reaper?
Asked by Mehmethan (188.58.118.x) on December 12 2021, 12:46pm
Reply on December 12 2021, 10:33pm:
    I liked Snow Crash, but I don't want to live in a dystopian hellhole. As far as DAWs go I think the screen + mouse/keyboard words pretty well.
Question: Just stumbled over this performance optimizing related talk youtube.com/watch?v=r-TLSBdHe1A Do you watch these kind of things?
Asked by nixon (95.223.114.x) on December 12 2021, 10:14am
Reply on December 12 2021, 10:33pm:
    Ah I'll check that out
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