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Question: What's your favourite fruit?
Asked by IXix (86.175.11.x) on January 12 2022, 12:54pm
Reply on January 12 2022, 4:53pm:
    Pineapple, though I eat a lot more regular apples and asian pears. If I had to pick an apple varietal I'd go Mutsu.
Question: Do you have/use a pencil sharpener ? If so is it electric or manual ?
Asked by Just Asking (66.115.146.x) on January 12 2022, 3:29am
Reply on January 12 2022, 4:53pm (edited at January 12 2022, 4:54pm):
    I have an electric sharpener but it doesn't get much use these days, and a manual one for the sketching and watercolor pencils which also doesn't get much use these days :/
Question: hello- so can you clarify why rex+rex2 files behave so differently in reaper? ie: not respecting spectral peak settings or default fade inout options? is this a limitation of the format? or...
Asked by 2022 (91.110.225.x) on January 10 2022, 12:46pm
Reply on January 10 2022, 4:27pm:
    They are a complex format, and we have to go through the official rex library to access them... so some of those differences are a result of our separate implementation of various things... shrug
1 Comment...
Question: memory test! do you remember the very first line of code written for reaper...and is it still in use today?
Asked by 2022 (91.110.225.x) on January 7 2022, 4:14pm
Reply on January 7 2022, 5:40pm:
Question: hey- did you ever hear the epic tale of the american immigrants? youtu.be/w8WQvpn1St0 =)
Asked by 2022 (91.110.225.x) on January 6 2022, 12:59am
Reply on January 7 2022, 3:33am:
    Ah no (I'll watch it eventually maybe)
Question: no question, but I hope you're doing well.
Asked by kinas (93.15.80.x) on January 5 2022, 11:40pm
Reply on January 7 2022, 3:33am:
    Thanks, you too!
Question: Do life exists on Sun?
Asked by Atma (27.58.123.x) on January 5 2022, 8:26am
Reply on January 7 2022, 3:34am:
    Not as we know it but hard to imagine at such temperatures?
Question: Hey Justin, what game do u play recently ?
Asked by tozz (124.64.23.x) on January 4 2022, 10:51am
Reply on January 4 2022, 6:11pm:
    The game I last played was the NYT Spelling Bee. Also recently: Spot It (aka Dobble).
Question: How did you spend new year's eve?
Asked by wasereb4 (93.206.2.x) on January 1 2022, 11:11pm
Reply on January 2 2022, 1:51am:
    At home with some saag and curry and the new wes anderson movie, in bed at 12:05
Question: Do you have any pets ?
Asked by DdSL (189.112.72.x) on January 1 2022, 4:33pm
Reply on January 1 2022, 6:28pm:
    Just peeves
Question: Have you heard of qoiformat.org/
Asked by nixon (95.223.114.x) on December 30 2021, 7:33pm
Reply on December 31 2021, 2:36am:
    Hah yeah I read its page a while back... I prefer packing all of my PNGs in completely uncompressed form into an uncompressed zip, then letting LZMA go to town on the whole thing
Question: Do you ever get bored from working on REAPER? Do you have software side project to freshen up your mind?
Asked by nikola_lukic (88.172.223.x) on December 30 2021, 11:59am
Reply on December 31 2021, 2:37am:
    Nah, just find new corners to play in... or play music. Or write stuff to make our development life easier... and so on
Question: Hi Justin Frankel ! What do you think of the Rust language: simple trend or able to become the new C / C ++ for the next decades? Happy Holidays !
Asked by Arlequin (212.224.228.x) on December 28 2021, 6:24pm
Reply on December 29 2021, 2:27am:
    It seems like a good thing but I haven't used it so I don't really know :)
Question: have you ever use a kensington expert mouse ? if so did you like it or think its stupid ?
Asked by Just Asking (172.83.40.x) on December 28 2021, 2:00am
Reply on December 28 2021, 4:02pm:
    I haven't, I'm using an ancient ASUS mouse now, and I also have an equally ancient MS Wheel Mouse Optical for USB and PS/2.
Question: Which is the best feature in REAPER according to you?
Asked by MS_from_Sweden (82.100.127.x) on December 25 2021, 9:49pm
Reply on December 27 2021, 11:44pm:
    What would any of it be without the rest? But if I had to pick, JSFX. Or the ability to record audio...
Question: Around Y2K I have a memory of using an incredible Shoutcast client with chat rooms, and thought it was the coolest thing on earth. Do you remember what this might have been? Thanks for shaping internet music from the very beginning!
Asked by Ferro (50.71.219.x) on December 25 2021, 2:47pm
Reply on December 25 2021, 7:14pm:
    Ah I dunno, sorry! Sounds cool though
Question: Is there a way to add my own fx_ident as returned by functions like TrackFX_GetNamedConfigParm? Can I add that using Juce/Cockos' VST-extension to my own plugin in any way? Where do I look for information about it? Thnx.
Asked by Mespotine (2.247.250.x) on December 25 2021, 4:15am
Reply on December 25 2021, 7:18pm:
1 Comment...
Question: If schwa II came along, would you hire him/her? :)
Asked by wasereb4 (79.246.80.x) on December 25 2021, 3:06am
Reply on December 25 2021, 7:18pm:
    Nah, too much work
Question: Is possible for the user create their own osc actions ? Like something that is not listed in the os default filé . Like send the name of the item currently playing in track 1
Asked by DdSL (179.104.166.x) on December 24 2021, 5:40pm
Reply on December 25 2021, 7:18pm:
    There's some room but not a ton. We should add OSC support to ReaScript to round it out better
Question: Thanks for all your hard work. I'm working on a theme builder script. My skills in lua come from about 2 years of teaching myself. I know I can get it to something I will use but my aim is to make something other people will want to use. Do you have any tips. Like am I out of my league?
Asked by Mister Levy (58.84.94.x) on December 24 2021, 6:57am
Reply on December 25 2021, 7:19pm:
    I'm not sure what your goals are, but if you are then you're definitely not out of your league! It takes patience and persistence but you should be good, assuming your goals are within the realm of possible ;)
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