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Question: favourite car brand? is mercedes always a good go to?
Asked by Hello (109.123.74.x) on February 5 2022, 6:11pm
Reply on February 6 2022, 12:54am:
    When I last had a car I had an Audi, but I drove like an inconsiderate asshole, so I dunno. Whatever works, the driver being careful is what is important?
Question: are you able to create a cymatic jsfx visualizer? with a feedback regenerator? would you find it useful analysis or just a fun tool?
Asked by 2022 (91.110.225.x) on February 5 2022, 12:07pm
Reply on February 5 2022, 5:54pm:
    One probably could yeah, or they could do it as a video processor which would allow you to render it
1 Comment...
Question: I know you love Linux the best. But why do you like Mac more than Windows? Is Windows that much worst?
Asked by Gebrasy (27.57.102.x) on February 1 2022, 6:12am
Reply on February 2 2022, 4:29am:
    Windows usually ends up annoying me for one reason or another. I don't mind using my old Windows 7 box...
1 Comment...
Question: hey- do you think the apple m2 chips might really change the game? making many other chips and peripherals obsolete?
Asked by 2022 (91.110.225.x) on January 30 2022, 4:49pm
Reply on January 31 2022, 9:58pm:
    I don't think anything really changes any sort of game at this point, it's all small incremental stuff. The M1s are nice from a power standpoint, but only a bit nicer than the alternatives... I think that'll continue.
Question: Is what REAPER calls 'Block size' the same thing as what most other DAWs call 'buffer size'?
Asked by IDDQDSound (67.68.160.x) on January 29 2022, 1:32pm
Reply on January 31 2022, 9:58pm:
1 Comment...
Question: Magst du Bratwürste?
Asked by Wolfgang (185.75.72.x) on January 29 2022, 12:03pm
Reply on January 31 2022, 10:00pm:
    Ich fresse du Bratwürst
Question: If there is only one option to choose either music or coding, what will you choosl I guess coding? Because that's your job, no?
Asked by Saudade (182.69.107.x) on January 29 2022, 9:46am
Reply on January 31 2022, 10:00pm:
    Thankfully I don't have to choose!
Question: Have lots of hobbies but only one passion & no addiction (of anything). Do you agree?
Asked by Abhi (27.58.191.x) on January 28 2022, 5:04pm
Reply on January 31 2022, 10:00pm:
    Hmm one addiction (caffeine), lots of hobbies, a few passions
Question: Another reascript question (sorry!) : What does GetTempoMatchPlayRate do? (I do not understand from the doc description) What are the srcscale and the mult variables? Thanks!
Asked by amagalma (91.240.243.x) on January 27 2022, 6:24pm
Reply on January 28 2022, 5:37am:
    It calculates the playrate to match the source's embedded or inferred tempo to the project tempo
Question: hey- does reaper have a roadmap or planned fix or feature schedule for this year? anything solid or drastically mind altering in the works?
Asked by 2022 (91.110.225.x) on January 26 2022, 1:03pm
Reply on January 27 2022, 12:39am:
    Don't look up. I mean, Do Look Up. ^^^^
1 Comment...
Question: Hello Mr. Frankel, I didn't seen that : user.cockos.com/~deadbeef/?article=138 I totally agree. I just wanted to know how do you prevent someone to patent and from frobiding you to freely continue a tool you made. I mean, is copyright a sufficient proof of anteriority ? At this stage I know absolutely nothing about software protection during its development phase and after its publication... I just want to avoid taking the wrong path :) Have de good day ! All the Best.
Asked by Arlequin (212.224.237.x) on January 25 2022, 10:18am
Reply on January 27 2022, 12:40am:
    Hah wow I was young and bitchy
Question: Have you considered/tried going vegetarian / vegan ?
Asked by Vento (200.146.247.x) on January 23 2022, 9:46pm
Reply on January 24 2022, 12:01am:
    I grew up mostly vegetarian. I've tried as an adult here and there, but never seem to feel great doing it, so I give up quickly.
Question: internet usernames and custom avatars.. do you find some funny? or,any that triggered you negatively in some way?
Asked by 2022 (91.110.225.x) on January 20 2022, 7:19pm
Reply on January 20 2022, 10:36pm:
    I try not to read the comments
Question: I would like to know your opinion on cryptocurrency after a long time that nobody asked you. Furthermore, if you have read about some projects, which blockchain project is more interesting for you?
Asked by sazef (88.86.140.x) on January 20 2022, 4:07pm
Reply on January 20 2022, 10:35pm (edited at January 23 2022, 7:43pm):
1 Comment...
Question: Do you/did you ever play Age of Empires 2? What are your thoughts? Would you know why a 20+ year old game still runs slow on modern top computers when playing multiplayer on large maps?
Asked by James (84.247.50.x) on January 19 2022, 8:59pm
Reply on January 19 2022, 9:55pm:
    I didn't, but my guess would be it's waiting for something that is slow like network latency?
Question: Is being too perfect bad? If yes, why?
Asked by Abhi (122.177.10.x) on January 19 2022, 10:48am
Reply on January 19 2022, 7:05pm:
    There is certainly a healthy amount of self-doubt.
Question: Mixed-Mode DPI Scaling only available in Win 10. Win8.1 doesn't allow you to have dpi aware window and unaware window together for a single process. So, reaper running on win8.1, how do you make the DAW dpi aware and plugin window dpi unaware(let the os scale plugin ui)?
Asked by ruchira (123.231.122.x) on January 19 2022, 3:08am
Reply on January 19 2022, 7:05pm:
    It's a mess, in Windows. You have to bridge, I think?
Question: What happen to Reaper Names Tags?
Asked by DdSL (201.48.182.x) on January 19 2022, 1:28am
Reply on January 19 2022, 7:04pm:
    Oops yeah we'll bring it back to the web site
Question: Did you ever think WinAmp would be getting so much love so many years later? ---> instagram.com/tv/CW34AZJgNk3/
Asked by Dax Liniere (212.228.1.x) on January 19 2022, 12:07am
Reply on January 19 2022, 7:04pm:
    Hah shrug
Question: What makes NYC the best city in the US, in your opinion?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on January 18 2022, 3:18pm
Reply on January 18 2022, 11:24pm:
    I don't like superlatives
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