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Question: Do you personally like marihuana comsumption or are you more into wine? Does any of the two affect your creative output?
Asked by Albi (77.8.228.x) on February 11 2022, 3:53pm
Reply on February 11 2022, 5:18pm:
    I have appreciated marijuana via vaporizers in the past, but it's been a few years. I do also like a cold beer or cider on a hot day. Unsure of the effects of either.
Question: Since over a decade many REAPER users wonder why muted tracks and item colors can't be changed. Is it a deliberate choice, or is it difficult and risky to implement, or has it just not been a priority yet?
Asked by Blackout (95.250.70.x) on February 11 2022, 12:39pm
Reply on February 11 2022, 5:18pm:
    Not a priority more than anything
Question: Fan of Daft Punk? Random Access Memories is such a great album. Recommend!
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on February 11 2022, 12:21am
Reply on February 11 2022, 5:19pm:
    I've heard that but never given it a proper listen! Remember having a few mp3s of theirs back in the 90s :)
Question: Why when I get high REAPER colors are brighter and happier ? Is this a bug or a feature?
Asked by Garopaba (177.124.149.x) on February 10 2022, 8:26pm
Reply on February 11 2022, 5:19pm:
    Hah nice, no idea
Question: Why Word is blue, Excel is green and PowerPoint is red?
Asked by Abhi (182.68.122.x) on February 9 2022, 5:45pm
Reply on February 9 2022, 9:12pm:
    I feel like there's a joke in there somewhere, where is the flower humor these days?
1 Comment...
Question: This is a wildcard question. You can answer anything you want.
Asked by wasereb4 (93.206.15.x) on February 8 2022, 6:36am
Reply on February 8 2022, 8:12pm (edited at February 8 2022, 9:02pm):
    Despite really preferring warm weather, I do think that climate change is almost certainly a bad thing for us to be causing :/ Edit: re: part 2 of your question: Breakfast Burritos.
Question: What makes the font in R's IDE look different on the different OS? Much more readable on macos and I would love to have that on Linux...
Asked by Albi (77.10.163.x) on February 7 2022, 10:55pm
Reply on February 8 2022, 12:17am:
    Different font I imagine, could experiment with that and try mapping Courier New to various fonts using fontconfig
Question: hello, i am making my first winamp skin ever, i have been using your software since 2004. i hope you are doing well, thank you for all of the software you have made that i have used my entire life
Asked by gpox (71.167.168.x) on February 6 2022, 6:58pm
Reply on February 7 2022, 5:13pm:
    Hi, ah nice thanks!
Question: favourite car brand? is mercedes always a good go to?
Asked by Hello (109.123.74.x) on February 5 2022, 6:11pm
Reply on February 6 2022, 12:54am:
    When I last had a car I had an Audi, but I drove like an inconsiderate asshole, so I dunno. Whatever works, the driver being careful is what is important?
Question: are you able to create a cymatic jsfx visualizer? with a feedback regenerator? would you find it useful analysis or just a fun tool?
Asked by 2022 (91.110.225.x) on February 5 2022, 12:07pm
Reply on February 5 2022, 5:54pm:
    One probably could yeah, or they could do it as a video processor which would allow you to render it
1 Comment...
Question: I know you love Linux the best. But why do you like Mac more than Windows? Is Windows that much worst?
Asked by Gebrasy (27.57.102.x) on February 1 2022, 6:12am
Reply on February 2 2022, 4:29am:
    Windows usually ends up annoying me for one reason or another. I don't mind using my old Windows 7 box...
1 Comment...
Question: hey- do you think the apple m2 chips might really change the game? making many other chips and peripherals obsolete?
Asked by 2022 (91.110.225.x) on January 30 2022, 4:49pm
Reply on January 31 2022, 9:58pm:
    I don't think anything really changes any sort of game at this point, it's all small incremental stuff. The M1s are nice from a power standpoint, but only a bit nicer than the alternatives... I think that'll continue.
Question: Is what REAPER calls 'Block size' the same thing as what most other DAWs call 'buffer size'?
Asked by IDDQDSound (67.68.160.x) on January 29 2022, 1:32pm
Reply on January 31 2022, 9:58pm:
1 Comment...
Question: Magst du Bratwürste?
Asked by Wolfgang (185.75.72.x) on January 29 2022, 12:03pm
Reply on January 31 2022, 10:00pm:
    Ich fresse du Bratwürst
Question: If there is only one option to choose either music or coding, what will you choosl I guess coding? Because that's your job, no?
Asked by Saudade (182.69.107.x) on January 29 2022, 9:46am
Reply on January 31 2022, 10:00pm:
    Thankfully I don't have to choose!
Question: Have lots of hobbies but only one passion & no addiction (of anything). Do you agree?
Asked by Abhi (27.58.191.x) on January 28 2022, 5:04pm
Reply on January 31 2022, 10:00pm:
    Hmm one addiction (caffeine), lots of hobbies, a few passions
Question: Another reascript question (sorry!) : What does GetTempoMatchPlayRate do? (I do not understand from the doc description) What are the srcscale and the mult variables? Thanks!
Asked by amagalma (91.240.243.x) on January 27 2022, 6:24pm
Reply on January 28 2022, 5:37am:
    It calculates the playrate to match the source's embedded or inferred tempo to the project tempo
Question: hey- does reaper have a roadmap or planned fix or feature schedule for this year? anything solid or drastically mind altering in the works?
Asked by 2022 (91.110.225.x) on January 26 2022, 1:03pm
Reply on January 27 2022, 12:39am:
    Don't look up. I mean, Do Look Up. ^^^^
1 Comment...
Question: Hello Mr. Frankel, I didn't seen that : user.cockos.com/~deadbeef/?article=138 I totally agree. I just wanted to know how do you prevent someone to patent and from frobiding you to freely continue a tool you made. I mean, is copyright a sufficient proof of anteriority ? At this stage I know absolutely nothing about software protection during its development phase and after its publication... I just want to avoid taking the wrong path :) Have de good day ! All the Best.
Asked by Arlequin (212.224.237.x) on January 25 2022, 10:18am
Reply on January 27 2022, 12:40am:
    Hah wow I was young and bitchy
Question: Have you considered/tried going vegetarian / vegan ?
Asked by Vento (200.146.247.x) on January 23 2022, 9:46pm
Reply on January 24 2022, 12:01am:
    I grew up mostly vegetarian. I've tried as an adult here and there, but never seem to feel great doing it, so I give up quickly.
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