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Ask Justin Frankel
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Note: please do not ask questions about REAPER features, bugs or scheduling, use the forums instead.

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Question: Hi Justin, what do you think of MIDI 2 ? Will it be super hard to retrofit in REAPER ? Thx fopr everything, man !
Asked by Nicolas (89.80.44.x) on March 2 2022, 7:26pm
Reply on March 5 2022, 3:17am:
    Not sure yet
Question: got no questions, actually, just wanted to say thanks. REAPER is such a fantastic program, so, thanks :)
Asked by shorty (93.236.199.x) on March 2 2022, 8:48am
Reply on March 5 2022, 3:17am:
    Thank you back :)
Question: Reaper and data science, feels like the field is getting everywhere, what do you think of people using the scriptable powers of Reaper for organizing training data (audio ofc), previewing simulation results (vectors to envelope automation and stuff like that), etc.? Any wild ideas for data collection of Reaper projects? Have a nice day!
Asked by beto (177.228.208.x) on March 2 2022, 2:11am
Reply on March 2 2022, 2:13am:
    Hadn't really thought about it, but whatever works!
Question: Hi! Thanks for the answer, and sorry - didn't notice the note about Reaper questions. The rest - on forums. Erec, guys! Please stop asking Justin about death, he's a young and handsome guy, everything will be fine. When he dies Reaper will be an integral part of human brain.
Asked by Dima (89.64.71.x) on March 2 2022, 1:42am
Reply on March 2 2022, 2:12am (edited at March 2 2022, 2:17am):
    Hah (not a question though... hmm)
Question: Do you go back and watch those 2.3TB of recordings or is it really just hoarding at this point? :)
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on March 2 2022, 1:42am
Reply on March 2 2022, 2:12am:
    Occasionally I'll go edit/re-mix stuff, but yeah it's hoarding
1 Comment...
Question: What will happen to Reaper when you die? Will you sell it to another company or will it just stop being updated?
Asked by Erec (108.172.73.x) on March 1 2022, 10:50pm
Reply on March 2 2022, 12:27am (edited at March 2 2022, 2:12am):
    I couldn't sell it to another company, I'd be dead! Cockos would still exist, and Schwa knows what he's doing.
Question: I'm still facing issues with PDC on online render of ReaInsert. The playback is ok, I measure latency mostly manually, sometimes with Ping. Render short fragments os always ok. Online render of long fragments suddenly can slide several ms right. Then I render again short fragment and align. Mac OS here, Clarett 4pre - any ideas how to solve that?
Asked by Dima (89.64.71.x) on March 1 2022, 8:52pm
Reply on March 2 2022, 12:28am:
    Not really, try disabling anticipative FX multiprocessing and see if it helps?
Question: Hi Justin. How do you organize your personal music recording files? Do you have a system for categorizing?
Asked by jstolt (76.179.101.x) on March 1 2022, 4:58pm
Reply on March 2 2022, 12:28am:
    I have directories by year/date/project, it's up to about 2.3TB...
Question: I know VC6 build Reaper was dropped from last year, but how you tackle annoying VC2005 SxS runtime dlls (and so in VC2008) without need to vcredist? Static lib runtime or any tricks? Also do you actually use Intel IPP library in conjunction to ICC compiler?
Asked by Thiekus (36.82.99.x) on February 27 2022, 4:57am
Reply on February 27 2022, 2:44pm:
    For VC2005 we use static linking, plus a slight mod of the static library to disable FLS usage (since many Windows versions are very FLS slot constrained)
Question: virtual controls or HWND controls? And why?
Asked by ruchira (123.231.107.x) on February 26 2022, 5:12am
Reply on February 26 2022, 2:45pm:
    a windows system can only have a finite and rather small number of HWNDs, so an app shouldn't create more than a few hundred of them at a time
Question: Worried about the war Ukraine Russian war?? What have you thinking about this?
Asked by Not Putin (186.210.29.x) on February 25 2022, 8:35pm
Reply on February 25 2022, 9:41pm (edited at February 25 2022, 11:19pm):
    I wish the people of Ukraine well (there's probably a better way to put it, but ugh)! And the anti-war protestors in Russia, damn. :(
Question: Should WDL_VirtualStaticText respect newlines characters? The use case would be to draw first line regularly then when you do a dblclk display the full formatted text in a msgbox. Right now I feed full text on mousemove to get something similar... nothing particularly fancy just an idea...
Asked by Gio (94.70.19.x) on February 24 2022, 5:23am
Reply on February 25 2022, 3:13pm:
    Could add support for that, a separate alignment mode to allow multiline...
Question: Are you following Windows on ARM? Do you think it's time for a native REAPER Windows on ARM version soon?
Asked by wasereb4 (87.167.91.x) on February 24 2022, 12:45am
Reply on February 25 2022, 3:12pm:
    Not yet
Question: What's the actual reason from moving master branch to main? It caused some surprises which never occurred in the past, certainly not a big deal but it was unusual. Hope it is not something political related... :)
Asked by Gio (94.70.19.x) on February 19 2022, 10:54am
Reply on February 19 2022, 8:48pm:
    A lot of repositories use main, so moving to that for consistency (also its fewer characters)
1 Comment...
Question: Do you use a robot vacuum?
Asked by RobRob (77.64.160.x) on February 18 2022, 10:36pm
Reply on February 19 2022, 8:48pm:
1 Comment...
Question: do you find there a need for more left handed cursors! ?
Asked by 2022 (91.110.225.x) on February 18 2022, 10:45am
Reply on February 19 2022, 8:49pm:
    I haven't noticed
Question: How can we know that the valuestrNeedBig returned by reaper.GetSetProjectInfo_String(0, "RENDER_STATS", dry_run_action, false) is the current and not the previous one? Retval is always true even if the dry_run_action failed to run and the function returns the previous results in memory.
Asked by amagalma (194.150.167.x) on February 17 2022, 11:36pm
Reply on February 19 2022, 8:49pm (edited at February 19 2022, 8:50pm):
    Hmm good question, why would a dry run fail? But perhaps a failed dry run should clear that string...
Question: Hi Justin. Me and a couple of friends are having live streams where were discussing and live coding JSFX. Its me Arya from IDDQD and Leandro Fachinetti thats hosting and providing content for the streams. Thus far we've had Geraint Luff, Theo Niessink (saike + Martinic plugins) Justing Johnson (nitsuj ReEQ) on to discuss audio plugins. We would love to have you on to talk JSFX? Please say yes :) /danerius
Asked by danerius (37.120.153.x) on February 16 2022, 9:20pm
Reply on February 16 2022, 9:29pm:
    Sure, send me an email (justin at cockos)
1 Comment...
Question: Phones must be small as much as possible and laptops / computers / tablets must be as large as possible. Do you agree? Another question - These days, compact phones means 5.5 inch. Back then 4 inch phones were so perfect to handle. If we get a great 4 inch phone these days with all modern features, will you replace your current phone with that small screen compact phone?
Asked by Abhi (223.177.0.x) on February 15 2022, 5:15pm
Reply on February 15 2022, 6:13pm:
    Laptops I like medium-sized, I'm on a M1 air and it's great. I would like a iphone SE with all of the amenities of a larger one, sure. but I don't mind the regular-sized iphone 11 pro I have...
1 Comment...
Question: What do you prefer to say among these words - softwares, programs or apps?
Asked by Abhi (223.177.0.x) on February 15 2022, 3:56pm
Reply on February 15 2022, 6:14pm:
    software (without the s) for the category or maybe program or application (but not app)
1 Comment...
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