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Question: Hey; I had a question about slow x87 code translation on M1 Macs. Have you given any more thought to writing a dynamic library that handles these incredibly slow instructions for Rosetta2? Wine users have complained about slow 32bit games on Macs since the first M1 chips came out and I imagine such a library would be a big help there too. Did your digging into REAPER performance give you any idea of how large of an undertaking this might be? Thanks, love REAPER.
Asked by yam99 (72.182.45.x) on March 27 2022, 8:17pm
Reply on March 28 2022, 1:45am:
    I don't think you could do it, you'd have to rewrite rosetta2... apple could do it, if they cared, but they probably don't :/
Question: Suppose if I want to create a software, game or anything, which requires coding. Are all the sources available on internet, let say if I stuck somewhere, from where I can get help? Any website or service do all this kind of help? For free or paid, doesn't matter. I am pretty sure you also talk help from stuffs, maybe from big fat books or manuals or some paid online courses or from some paid websites? And all other indie developers too. Right? If yes, then can you guide us a bit? About all the process?
Asked by Abhi (122.181.85.x) on March 27 2022, 2:18pm
Reply on March 28 2022, 1:46am:
    There's a lot of good references, but references aren't the same as answers to your questions, which might be easily answered and might be unanswerable and might need to be solved creatively? so it's hard to say.
1 Comment...
Question: g'day- had a closer look at super8 today and it showed at sample rate of 48khz and project bpm @60 a final loop point of 76442ms and a created bpm of 100.5...question being: is there a simple way to increase that sampling length?
Asked by 2022 (95.148.58.x) on March 25 2022, 6:05pm
Reply on March 25 2022, 6:51pm:
    You want it longer than 76 seconds? Could do it by reducing the channel count from 8, or modifying JSFX to allow larger RAM amounts per instance.
Question: I am thinking in doing a script to sync tracks online using SetTrackStateChunk. Anyway, in my plan i would use a folder with all the files for the project (and a JSON file that I write Tracks Chunks for sync) and sync that folder online using something. I dont know what I could use to sync. I know there are some softwares that can do that like Google Drive but I think the refresh rate is not much fast (?). Anyway do you know/have any suggestions in what I could use to try do a realtime sync with the folders
Asked by Daniel Lumertz (186.210.29.x) on March 25 2022, 7:44am
Reply on March 25 2022, 6:52pm:
    I'd use git, github hosts things for free too :)
Question: ReaStream ist very nice. An Update in the future?
Asked by Wt1986 (92.194.91.x) on March 24 2022, 9:10pm
Reply on March 25 2022, 6:52pm:
    Not sure what, it'd be nice to open source part of it to encourage other software to integrate (e.g. OBS)
Question: hey- with jsfx there is an old 'trigger' function that not many people seem to use much now in newer jsfx.. is that a defunct option or can they still be usefull and creative today? (eg jsfx:: desc:Disco-Lara)
Asked by 2022 (91.110.225.x) on March 24 2022, 11:08am
Reply on March 24 2022, 4:26pm:
    It's an easy way to create some UI buttons to do things, so it's useful still but also less fancy
Question: hey jayeff.. see a bit of bit of bike ride and read on ebike- so what type of locks you using there? dlocks..chain/padlocks/bike alarm.. and have you ever lost a bike or anything like that in the BIG (sometimes bad) apple?
Asked by 2022 (91.110.225.x) on March 21 2022, 4:18pm
Reply on March 22 2022, 2:51am (edited at March 22 2022, 2:54am):
    Most of the time I use a Kryptonite New York U-Lock. Sometimes depending on the bike or location or timing I'll augment it with a second lock. Haven't had anything stolen yet (*knocking on wood*). Technique is important, as is perception. You want things to look worthless yet well-cared-for, and anything you can remove without a tool should probably be locked, unless its resale value is zero (for example, I have some cheapo REI panniers which were $20 new, but while still usable, are completely beat up -- I'll leave those unlocked on the rack and it's never been a problem). Try to avoid locking overnight if possible. Try to avoid a predictable schedule.
Question: Are you using REW for EQ room correction? or something else? in addition I hate how acoustic treatment makes the room look in general i don't want it to be obvious its meant for mixing or anything
Asked by Emmm (185.94.193.x) on March 20 2022, 4:25pm
Reply on March 20 2022, 10:47pm:
    No I don't bother
Question: Do you still wear normal non-smart watch? Or your phone or smartwatch can do that job too?
Asked by Abhi (117.99.174.x) on March 19 2022, 3:02pm
Reply on March 19 2022, 9:16pm:
    Only wear a garmin watch when I run
Question: im sleep?
Asked by sebastian (172.58.139.x) on March 19 2022, 12:13pm
Reply on March 19 2022, 9:16pm:
    I like sleep!
Question: Sport or Music?
Asked by gucco (165.231.67.x) on March 19 2022, 10:54am
Reply on March 19 2022, 9:16pm:
    I'd rather watch music
Question: I think in your interview you mentioned the games inside reaper could open while rendering ? How can I do that or am I remembering it wrong ?
Asked by DdSL (179.104.165.x) on March 18 2022, 2:39am
Reply on March 18 2022, 12:49pm:
    If you doubleclick or shift doubleclick or something, it opens the about box from the rendering status window
Question: hey justin- do you actually know what 'happened' to whitetie© imperial v5 theme? (it was looking SO brilliant,just wondered what made that not appear?) any clues?
Asked by 2022 (95.148.58.x) on March 18 2022, 12:12am
Reply on March 18 2022, 12:55am:
    What do you mean?
Question: What are some of your favorite guitar / amp combinations. Bonus: do you like any amp sims or fx sims?
Asked by User41 (73.224.60.x) on March 17 2022, 4:29am
Reply on March 17 2022, 4:52pm:
    Andy has a Fender Hotrod Deluxe which is awesome, especially so with his Strat. Not a huge fan of amp sims but I have a Strymon Iridium which isn't bad.
Question: Have you ever tried to make a house or anything in Minecraft?
Asked by Abhi (182.68.202.x) on March 17 2022, 4:01am
Reply on March 17 2022, 4:51pm:
    Nah I've played it for maybe 15 minutes total
Question: Who made the skin that is now being auctioned?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on March 17 2022, 3:46am
Reply on March 17 2022, 4:50pm:
    Just to be clear the skin itself isn't being auctioned, a URL that points to the skin is. IIRC it was made by Tom and Dmitry.
Question: Hey as you are the creator of WinAmp, I was wondering what your thoughts on this is? winamp.com/winamp-nft-initiative/
Asked by ShitfaceMcGee (67.86.16.x) on March 16 2022, 8:46pm
Reply on March 16 2022, 11:24pm (edited at March 16 2022, 11:25pm):
    Strong disapproval for multiple reasons. Environmental impact is terrible, and also it is a negative-sum ecosystem so anything that encourages more people to buy into it so that the people who previously bought it (or mined-in) can cash out is a bad thing.

    Helpful in-depth links:
Question: Is there a way to access the default search-synonyms for the actionlist? Are they stored in an ini-file somewhere(couldn't finde them, yet)
Asked by Mespotine (212.122.61.x) on March 16 2022, 3:59pm
Reply on March 16 2022, 7:43pm:
    They are in the default langpack, but we might need to update that to include the uk/us synonyms recently added, lemme check
Question: Hi Justin :) This is an idea nicked from graphics programs where you can do math calcs in the dialogue boxes. Translated to music that would mean typing 1/8 instead of something-ms. Extend that with 1/8T for a triplet etc. And for frequencies you'd type C#4 etc. And Reaper would do the math for you. /Bo
Asked by danerius (80.67.10.x) on March 15 2022, 4:33pm
Reply on March 15 2022, 11:56pm:
    That could be a cute shortcut
1 Comment...
Question: Hi REAPER doesn't react smoothly ( graphic ) on my mac, what setting should I tweak ??
Asked by tozz (103.97.200.x) on March 15 2022, 10:37am
Reply on March 15 2022, 11:57pm:
    Hard to know where to begin without a ton of extra info, but this isn't the place for that!
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