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Question: I have c++ extension in progress such as an interactive envelope based de-esser that mark possibe bad sibilants sounds on items.And some more productions tools that draws elements on arrange window. But on windows build appear hard flickering. After reading some cockos forusm threads, I realized that this cannot be fixed in a regular way. I understand that not quite legal but. Can I find arrange lice bitmap/bitmaps variables and draw directly to it? Or it so hacky/tricky/dangerous way?
Asked by Kevin (77.111.246.x) on April 24 2022, 2:52pm
Reply on April 25 2022, 2:19am:
    Hmm I'll look at exposing this via an API

  • Posted by Kevin (77.111.246.x) on April 27 2022, 2:48pm:
    Ohh it will rad! Thank you a lot I really want everything to be perfect!

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