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Question: Do you know recommend any impulse responses regarding Rooms/Halls/etc for reaverb, thanks (i asked again before but not about which ones in particular) in any way thanks!
Asked by Emmm (45.128.39.x) on August 16 2022, 1:14pm
Reply on August 16 2022, 1:19pm:
Question: Do you ever woke up sucking a lemon?
Asked by KIdA (186.210.91.x) on August 15 2022, 3:45am
Reply on August 15 2022, 12:52pm:
    I've always assumed that was a metaphor, if so then yes.
Question: This is probably basic, but how does a plugin communicate with a DAW? If a plugin sets a certain variable or calls a function, how does the DAW even know what's being reffered to? Does each variable and function get assigned a unique identifier that doesn't change?
Asked by Erin (75.15.159.x) on August 13 2022, 7:48pm
Reply on August 14 2022, 12:11am:
    It depends on the API, but in general it's sort of "DAW requests plug-in process some audio, plugin procesess it. DAW requests parameter set to XYZ. etc"
Question: What are some of the challanges concerning routing audio from one software to another in real time? Rearoute is some of the best solutions I tested, still sometimes the sound crackles depending the software and buffer size, I assume this is an unsolved problem ?
Asked by DdSL (187.32.160.x) on August 12 2022, 10:05pm
Reply on August 14 2022, 12:11am:
    There are various open source bits of software to do this, but unless you add latency you end up running into performance bottlenecks as the combined latency of the entire system gets out of hand.
Question: hey! - is it possible to animate knobs,sliders and buttons with the "image-line ControlCreator"? as a walter type thing? (image-line.com/fl-studio-learning/...
Asked by 2022 (2.26.240.x) on August 12 2022, 10:54am
Reply on August 14 2022, 12:11am:
    I'm not familiar with it but probably not!
1 Comment...
Question: Hello! The Media Item Defaults/"Overlap and crossfade items when splitting" setting is not always preserved. Actually, the resulting crossfade depends on the arrange view zoom level. Which formula gives the resulting crossfade length so that one can predict its length? Thanks! :)
Asked by amagalma (109.242.255.x) on August 9 2022, 5:02am
Reply on August 9 2022, 4:06pm:
    Not the right venue!
Question: What was your inspiration for making syntax for WALTER ?
Asked by Poooooooooooooooooony (185.220.103.x) on August 8 2022, 7:07pm
Reply on August 9 2022, 4:06pm:
    Sadism? haha
Question: hello- would you like to see..just how deep...the rabbit hole goes??
Asked by 2022 (2.26.240.x) on August 8 2022, 7:06pm
Reply on August 9 2022, 4:06pm:
    Not sure rabbit holes are any fun
Question: You know MÃ¥neskin? A great band imo, great singer. youtube.com/watch?v=QN1odfjtMoo
Asked by Sven (146.70.42.x) on August 8 2022, 10:26am
Reply on August 9 2022, 4:06pm:
    I don't, will check them out though.
Question: Can you explain your workflow of creating branches for specific features and then making custom builds that include some of those features. I don't really understand how you merge all stuff and keep everything sane. Do you have some automation system for this? How does the naming of branches / builds work? Thanks
Asked by nikolalkc (88.172.223.x) on August 6 2022, 11:32pm
Reply on August 7 2022, 3:16am:
    We use pre_ for branches that go in prereleases. Then we keep a branch called dev-pub which when we want to do +dev builds include all of the pre_ branches.

    When we want to do a build, we put a special commit on the end (WANT_BUILD version_number), and push that to a branch named want_build, which has machines watching it and ready to build on demand.

    Once a pre_ branch is ready-ish to go to release, we merge it to our main branch. Sometiems two pre_ branches end up intertwined, we'll merge them, or keep one dependent on the other, in order to avoid continual conflicts.
Question: Check this program out: stemroller.com/. It does a good job separating different parts of a mixed musical piece.
Asked by Jesse (173.63.46.x) on August 6 2022, 6:02pm
Reply on August 7 2022, 3:14am:
    Sounds cool, I haven't tried it yet but curious what it'd do on live recordings... or my own mixes for that matter
1 Comment...
Question: In the FX Window, all plugins are sorted by type of VST, like first VSTi comes, then VST3i comes, etc. How to arrange my plugins alphabetically, instead of VST type? I searched a lot but can't find anything :O
Asked by Abhi (122.177.150.x) on August 6 2022, 8:06am
Reply on August 7 2022, 3:14am:
    Hmm maybe if you hide the type? I forget
1 Comment...
Question: heyo-recently reaskinnedthemed a bike..wanna take a peek?
Asked by 2022 (2.26.240.x) on August 5 2022, 10:17pm
Reply on August 7 2022, 3:14am:
    Sure! Post in the comments here
Question: Was the winamp refactor/rewrite that was done around 2001 any good?
Asked by JackCane (174.246.202.x) on August 5 2022, 7:56pm
Reply on August 7 2022, 3:14am:
    Rewriting a whole thing is rarely a good idea
Question: How are you? (and thank you for winamp)
Asked by Soren (89.150.139.x) on August 5 2022, 4:09pm
Reply on August 7 2022, 3:13am:
    Fine thanks!
Question: How do you deal with bugs and other issues reported by users, when you are not able to replicate them on your dev machines? Do you find bugs in Reaper for example, which take several days to fix? How do you generally, as a programmer, psycho-physically deal with difficult to find/fix bugs?
Asked by Zabukowski (31.217.53.x) on August 4 2022, 12:05pm
Reply on August 4 2022, 8:37pm:
    User cooperation with persistence...
Question: Is there some subject that makes you go BrrRRrR about music/music technology?
Asked by Aloha! (189.112.46.x) on August 4 2022, 3:51am
Reply on August 4 2022, 8:37pm:
    Makes me cold? Not really
Question: Have you something done with a Raspberry Pi?
Asked by Chris (77.64.160.x) on August 3 2022, 12:38pm
Reply on August 4 2022, 12:39am:
    nothing persistently interesting
Question: Is reaper has got tracker?
Asked by Reaper (95.7.140.x) on August 2 2022, 11:20pm
Reply on August 4 2022, 12:39am:
    not really
1 Comment...
Question: Hello -- I've been using your products, from Winamp to Reaper, for most of my life. From the bottom of my heart, thanks. Now to the question -- I also live in New York, and was lucky enough to work as a full-time musician and producer (even held a couple Reaper meetups, mostly advocating for using it in professional environments) until COVID hit. Do you suppose there is a way for "professional" musical occupations, like arrangers, producers, songwriters and session players, to earn living wages in our time?
Asked by dadagod (24.188.156.x) on August 2 2022, 9:08pm
Reply on August 4 2022, 12:39am:
    I have no idea!
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