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Question: do you live in a 'co op' building? if so, was the approval process a headache?
Asked by ordoflop (24.118.2.x) on August 26 2022, 7:37pm
Reply on August 27 2022, 2:33am:
    I don't, but I did before, and the approval process was a bit of work but not really a headache. Having said that, it's a process that enables discrimination without accountability and that's pretty messed up :/
Question: Why music production (including mixing & mastering) is so hectic thing? Lots of things you should do before producing quality music. Why still there are no AIs, which can do most of your job, except the composition & songwriting, which obviously a human do. Other than that, there should be an AI tool or something, which magically can make your muddy & ugly sounding music into beautiful & professional sounding song. What do you think so?
Asked by Ummmm (171.50.130.x) on August 26 2022, 3:12pm
Reply on August 26 2022, 6:39pm:
    It's fun though
Question: I am learning to program. Is it best to get my program working then make it efficient or make each part efficient before moving to the next part? Hope that makes sense.
Asked by Levy (27.32.111.x) on August 26 2022, 12:48am
Reply on August 26 2022, 6:38pm:
    Definitely get things working then improve it (and test against the old version to make sure your improvements still work right).
Question: Top 5 tips for "exceptional happiness and delight" on earth?
Asked by 2022 (2.26.240.x) on August 25 2022, 1:27pm
Reply on August 26 2022, 6:39pm:
    It all comes down to dental hygiene and exercise I suppose
Question: How much effort would it be to make Reaplugs open-source? You know, so Dan Worrall can't pick on them anymore - just kidding. But re-skinning might make it a lot easier...
Asked by Albi (77.6.145.x) on August 25 2022, 9:22am
Reply on August 26 2022, 6:39pm:
    Pretty high work/reward ratio
Question: Where is Tom pepper
Asked by Joe Frasier (104.28.124.x) on August 24 2022, 7:22pm
Reply on August 25 2022, 1:45am:
    The only thing I can say for certain is planet earth
Question: hey! do you think there could or should be a distinction between: signitures and autographs on any forum? have you ever really thought about it?
Asked by 2022 (2.26.240.x) on August 22 2022, 7:47pm
Reply on August 24 2022, 11:39am:
    uhh autographs?
Question: When I move my MIDI item from one area to another area, its automation item also moves with it. Cool so far! But when I delete that same MIDI item, why that automation item still remain there, why it doesn't delete with it automatically?
Asked by Ammmm (223.190.15.x) on August 21 2022, 10:28am
Reply on August 22 2022, 1:51am:
    Deemed less useful behavior, I guess. Anyway see the note above.
Question: Imagine open source CLAP sampler shared via reapack and support REAPER API. So anyone is free to add new features. Would you or Schwa mind to add super simple basic template? I imagine that potentially would move many workflows to another level.
Asked by Michael (188.170.196.x) on August 20 2022, 8:45pm
Reply on August 22 2022, 1:52am:
    Hmm see the note above eh?
Question: Although my first wildcard question was free of charge (askjf.com/index.php?q=6031s due to economical reasons I'd need to charge a small fee now, do you perhaps want to buy another one or trade for a new Reaper feature of my wish? :)
Asked by wasereb4 (87.167.87.x) on August 20 2022, 5:02pm
Reply on August 22 2022, 1:52am:
    This isn't the venue
Question: How many hours do you work per week more or less? Also do you articulate your working and nonworking hours or they overlap?
Asked by Garopaba (189.112.151.x) on August 20 2022, 4:36am
Reply on August 20 2022, 3:13pm (edited at August 20 2022, 3:14pm):
    Hard to say exactly, don't really track it. Some weeks more than others. Definitely work more in the winter. Also if I'm recording stuff (testing) does that count? ;)
Question: A couple questions in one. You used to advertise Windows XP compatibility (according to archive.org, that seemed to have changed in December). Do you test new builds of REAPER against older OS's like XP and macOS 10.5? How are you incorporating new OS features into REAPER whilst still maintaining compatibility with older OS's?
Asked by dronenb (129.222.0.x) on August 20 2022, 3:28am
Reply on August 20 2022, 3:12pm:
    We still do list WinXP as a compatible OS. Whenever we use a newer API we load it dynamically and make sure that older systems still function (though obviously not supporting the new feature). So for example, if you run on WinXP you can't use the newer WMF media encoding/decoding support, but REAPER still runs.
Question: I record my band The Beths' music on Reaper and adore the software. If you ever want to come to a Beths show, I would be flattered to put you on our guest list.
Asked by JonPearce (172.56.6.x) on August 18 2022, 6:34pm
Reply on August 19 2022, 1:54pm:
    sweet thanks, can we (yes exactly yes) open for you too? ha ha
Question: ellow - ever heard of stereo lfo's? (oops..spoiled it) ;)
Asked by 2022 (2.26.240.x) on August 18 2022, 2:33pm
Reply on August 19 2022, 1:53pm:
    aperiodic lfos?
1 Comment...
Question: What the ...?
Asked by wasereb4 (87.167.91.x) on August 18 2022, 12:59am
Reply on August 19 2022, 1:53pm:
Question: Heya- so when you guys actually add a new feature or extension (pin routing for eg:) what is the 1st most likely bug that may appear after insertion?
Asked by 2022 (2.26.240.x) on August 16 2022, 3:21pm
Reply on August 16 2022, 5:58pm:
    you never know!
1 Comment...
Question: Do you know recommend any impulse responses regarding Rooms/Halls/etc for reaverb, thanks (i asked again before but not about which ones in particular) in any way thanks!
Asked by Emmm (45.128.39.x) on August 16 2022, 1:14pm
Reply on August 16 2022, 1:19pm:
Question: Do you ever woke up sucking a lemon?
Asked by KIdA (186.210.91.x) on August 15 2022, 3:45am
Reply on August 15 2022, 12:52pm:
    I've always assumed that was a metaphor, if so then yes.
Question: This is probably basic, but how does a plugin communicate with a DAW? If a plugin sets a certain variable or calls a function, how does the DAW even know what's being reffered to? Does each variable and function get assigned a unique identifier that doesn't change?
Asked by Erin (75.15.159.x) on August 13 2022, 7:48pm
Reply on August 14 2022, 12:11am:
    It depends on the API, but in general it's sort of "DAW requests plug-in process some audio, plugin procesess it. DAW requests parameter set to XYZ. etc"
Question: What are some of the challanges concerning routing audio from one software to another in real time? Rearoute is some of the best solutions I tested, still sometimes the sound crackles depending the software and buffer size, I assume this is an unsolved problem ?
Asked by DdSL (187.32.160.x) on August 12 2022, 10:05pm
Reply on August 14 2022, 12:11am:
    There are various open source bits of software to do this, but unless you add latency you end up running into performance bottlenecks as the combined latency of the entire system gets out of hand.
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