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Question: regarding ur first big financial success, would u have rather had it earlier or a bit later in life? or was it perfect timing? thanks!
Asked by Eoiee (208.85.17.x) on September 15 2022, 9:27pm
Reply on September 16 2022, 2:30pm:
    I don't have anything to compare it to so I'll take it as I had it, I guess?
Question: Any semi-recent song (or album) that gives you the good heebie-jeebies?
Asked by taphappy (72.208.223.x) on September 15 2022, 5:42pm
Reply on September 16 2022, 2:31pm:
    Radiohead - The Daily Mail still gets me, those horns, yes!
Question: What was the first question ?
Asked by NumberOne (84.247.50.x) on September 15 2022, 1:16pm
Reply on September 16 2022, 2:31pm:
    "When did the fourth field of an IP address become alphanumeric? :)"
1 Comment...
Question: What are your thoughts on french fries?
Asked by Nicolai (71.217.116.x) on September 13 2022, 3:22am
Reply on September 13 2022, 3:23pm:
    I like them when they aren't too greasy.
Question: What's your preference for drawing a waveform? Currently tried rawpt, avg, mn/mx, and rms but I feel that something is missing...
Asked by Gio (79.130.166.x) on September 12 2022, 11:43pm
Reply on September 13 2022, 3:23pm:
    Depends on the zoom level but min/max I guess?
Question: Do you think you'll ever stop programming?
Asked by Will (23.125.224.x) on September 12 2022, 6:33pm
Reply on September 12 2022, 8:18pm:
    Not by choice
Question: Did you feel anything, seeing a new release of Winamp after so long - or have you moved on emotionally? Ps. Would be fun to have a late 90s web counter on the page for number of answered questions :)
Asked by Lorin (24.212.136.x) on September 12 2022, 5:22pm
Reply on September 12 2022, 8:19pm:
    Lots of meh, it represents a very small number of years of my life and I'm much more invested in other projects.
Question: In ReaSamplOmatic5000, there are modes "Freely configurable shifted" and "Note (Semitone shifted)". What is the difference between these two? It seems they both are completely same.
Asked by Abhi (182.68.196.x) on September 9 2022, 9:19am
Reply on September 9 2022, 6:23pm:
    Freely configurable allows you to do microtonal shifts etc (e.g. want each semitone to be 1/24th of an octave? no problem!)
1 Comment...
Question: hio- have you much interest in history? +seen through the lens of JonLevi? (youtu.be/yVlhgfGzpIQ fascinating+thought provoking imo.
Asked by 2022 (2.26.240.x) on September 8 2022, 6:34am
Reply on September 9 2022, 6:23pm:
    History, sure, some. JonLevi, no idea who that is. (to be fair this is askjf not askjftowatchyoutube, that's a different site)
1 Comment...
Question: How many / What countries and cultures have you seen? Which one you sympathize with?
Asked by Chris (77.64.160.x) on September 7 2022, 2:55pm
Reply on September 9 2022, 6:24pm:
    I've been to various european countries and the big north american countries, and the odd island here and there. I like how everybody follows the rules on the street in Copenhagen and Berlin.
Question: Do you like the band Boards of Canada?
Asked by superfluous (213.152.161.x) on September 7 2022, 4:15am
Reply on September 9 2022, 6:25pm:
    I haven't listened to them enough but when I have heard them I've liked them.
Question: Do you do handyman stuff around the house ie. reno's or fixing things ?
Asked by JustAsking (66.115.146.x) on September 6 2022, 9:16pm
Reply on September 6 2022, 10:47pm:
    fixing things yeah, renovations nah. today I bought some slow curing epoxy to fix my fernandes guitar which I broke (the neck and fretboard started to separate by the nut, so now it's clamped and I'm waiting to see if that fixes...)
Question: Sorry Justin, just trying to bring this one up to your attention: forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=270261do you think it could happen anytime soon? Thanks!
Asked by tk_nacho (5.90.6.x) on September 6 2022, 1:13pm
Reply on September 6 2022, 2:47pm:
    this is not the right venue so I'm going to ignore it here
Question: What is the legacy of Gnutella?
Asked by superfluous (184.75.221.x) on September 6 2022, 2:58am
Reply on September 6 2022, 2:47pm:
    I dunno but I seem to have a hazelnut sensitivity so there's that
Question: heylo- so,out of the 16 basic geometry shapes: which 1 attracts your attention the most? (i.etsystatic.com/8506663/r/il/da92...
Asked by 2022 (2.26.240.x) on September 4 2022, 6:39pm
Reply on September 5 2022, 2:34am:
    I'll go with right triangle
1 Comment...
Question: Hey Justin, do you ever get into ruts where productivity is low, if so, what do you do to re-track? All the best :)
Asked by jack (45.152.183.x) on September 4 2022, 11:13am
Reply on September 5 2022, 2:35am:
    don't sweat it it'll come back on its own, just find something else interesting to do
Question: ever get them crazy synchronized moments?? eg:: you are listening to music and a car drives by with the same tempo music blasting out..or, browsing net with random music in bg,and you link to a random page,that also syncs with what is now playing????)
Asked by 2022 (2.26.240.x) on September 2 2022, 2:47pm
Reply on September 3 2022, 10:41pm:
    or you accidentally put on the wizard of oz and dark side of the moon at the same time (dsotm starting at the lion's roar or whatever?)
1 Comment...
Question: What open source projects would you be inclined to or actually have helped out with?
Asked by Levy (27.32.111.x) on September 2 2022, 10:15am
Reply on September 3 2022, 10:42pm:
Question: Do you like hearing something while coding?
Asked by Xiss (189.112.151.x) on September 2 2022, 3:46am
Reply on September 3 2022, 10:43pm:
    yeah I like listening to music while coding (or answering support email, etc)
Question: it is a PITA to have a home studio in an NYC apartment? have you done any soundproofing? did you look for a place specifically amenable to playing music? am I overthinking this and its nbd?
Asked by ordoflop (24.118.2.x) on August 31 2022, 8:48pm
Reply on September 1 2022, 3:06am:
    yeah I have a separate space in a non-residential building :)
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