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Question: hey, back again with another question lol... hope you are having a good 2023! i have a 32 core threadripper cpu, and i just learned that disabling hyper threading helped out my performance by alot . do you know any app or workaround or bios tweak that can help me get more power out of the cores? i already have anticipative fx processing enabled ! jw if you knew of another means that you have had sucess with ...
Asked by mike s (173.70.39.x) on February 8 2023, 6:39am
Reply on February 9 2023, 1:51am:
    Not sure, but hyperthreading generally isn't great for realtime audio so probably good to turn it off! Other than that you should be plenty of power, no?

  • Posted by mike s (173.70.39.x) on February 9 2023, 5:00am:
    yea man, it was a night and day difference . ive been looking for that option in my bios for so long to disable it, they called it "smt" though lol...i tax my computer pretty bad with multichannel stuff . was just reachin out to see if you knew any other quick fixes like the hyperthreading disable .. btw rearearea is really useful thx for the add

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