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Question: Justin, what's the limit, if any, to the length of an extended state section name, key and value strings for both project and global states. Thank you.
Asked by Buy One (95.135.211.x) on March 19 2023, 4:40pm
Reply on March 20 2023, 8:34pm:
    Nothing hardcoded, I don't think

  • Posted by Buy One (95.135.211.x) on March 21 2023, 11:51am:

  • Posted by Mespotine (46.114.200.x) on March 27 2023, 9:21am:
    Though they end at the first -byte in the string you want to store.

  • Posted by Mespotine (46.114.200.x) on March 27 2023, 9:22am:
    Null-byte, not -byte

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