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Question: Would you be able to share documentation on the bitfield (i think) which stores toggle states in the 1st line of project file next to REAPER version info?
Asked by Buy One (95.135.211.x) on March 21 2023, 9:03pm
Reply on March 21 2023, 9:24pm:
    That big number is a timestamp (unix time), or 0 if it's an undo block

  • Posted by Buy One (95.135.211.x) on March 22 2023, 10:47am:
    Oh, read too much into it... I'm basically trying to figure out where toggle states per project are stored.

  • Posted by Justin on March 22 2023, 3:02pm:
    which states specifically? they are in various places, and some are global (not per-project)

  • Posted by Buy One (95.135.211.x) on March 22 2023, 3:05pm:
    Specifically the settings 'Include track items in template' and 'Include track envelopes in template' of the Save track template dialogue

  • Posted by Justin on March 22 2023, 6:35pm:
    ah, those don't persist across reaper sessions

  • Posted by Justin on March 22 2023, 6:36pm:
    (not in the project file, and if you quit reaper and restart they reset)

  • Posted by Buy One (95.135.211.x) on March 22 2023, 7:44pm:
    OK, are they stored in the RAM and so there's no way to get hold of them?

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