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Question: Is jsfx online already a thing? Wondering if it could (or did!) Port and perform well in and with webdirt 🤔🙌🙏✌️
Asked by Jonny (31.94.66.x) on May 22 2023, 1:11pm
Reply on May 22 2023, 8:00pm:
    Not that I'm aware of... the thing is, in the browser, what would the useful application be?

  • Posted by Jonny (82.19.103.x) on May 24 2023, 7:49pm:
    after I recently stumbled upon webdirt and saw a cool vid where logic sent midi sync bpm to a virtual midi port that controls something like hydra or tidalcycles or sonicpi, and I wondered if jsfx could play nice, or be made to... short uninformed answer to your very good usage question is "online daw stuff"

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