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Question: WDL: Any chance for leading underscore to get removed from include guards in the future? Currently ``only'' lineparse.h behaves nicely with naming conventions. Never had an issue related to that... in fact I like it...
Asked by Gio (94.65.220.x) on June 21 2023, 8:07am
Reply on June 22 2023, 1:50pm:
    Ah perhaps... but what's the bother really? (we do have some ifdef _WDL_ in our code that would need to get fixed too)

  • Posted by Gio (94.65.220.x) on June 22 2023, 6:22pm:
    No bother at all as is - but in case you decide to be compliant with naming conventions I would suggest WHITTLE_ (or something else of your preference) instead of WDL_ for include guards in order to avoid naming pollution with the rest of the codebase that uses the WDL_ prefix. Maybe lineparse.h needs to follow the style of the rest codebase.

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