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Question: hey jf- did you ever really find software piracy or any other type of copyrighting legislastion/indications to be an actual realworld "problem" or issue? > did you feel same in youth, as today..?? ta
Asked by 2023 (86.179.190.x) on July 6 2023, 5:59pm
Reply on July 6 2023, 6:16pm:
    IMO most people want to do the right there, so if products are appropriately priced I don't see piracy as being a big problem. Counterfeit sales etc are a bigger issue since people can be mislead etc.

    the models created by big dominating businesses suck too. e.g. app stores taking a huge percentage, or music services not fairly distributing royalties... These are systemic problems that are structured against (smaller) copyright holders...

  • Posted by Gio (94.70.6.x) on July 7 2023, 5:57am:
    Good intentions are not always enough - another piece of a rather annoying long-term problem is that banks don't ``allow'' efficient transactions for tiny prices. I think the web would be a commercially viable platform for copyright holders when this issue is solved, possibly never.

  • Posted by 2023 (86.179.190.x) on July 7 2023, 11:25am:
    cockos team seems to be well rounded,balanced & willing to address issues they see fit to fixing or creating= THANX 4 that! @Gio - the main difference is people are living,breathing,emotional beings..the other,is not (has no heart,no soul,no life force) cheers

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