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Question: hey jf- was you aware "breakdancing" is to be included in next years olympics? .. does that interest you at all? (we always loved this form of movement think this was well overdue!)
Asked by 2023 (109.149.174.x) on August 24 2023, 8:37pm
Reply on August 25 2023, 5:01pm:
    It's impressive but I can't say I've ever been particularly interested in it.

  • Posted by 2023 (86.179.190.x) on August 25 2023, 11:53pm:
    right- some the young people have that energy... you into the olympics in any way? the running?

  • Posted by My Name (23.106.56.x) on August 26 2023, 9:25am:
    *Facepalm* to the initiative. Art cannot be sport, because you cannot determine the winner objectively

  • Posted by Justin on August 26 2023, 12:44pm:
    Name -- that's not new, there's been art in gynmastics and ice skating forever...

  • Posted by Justin on August 26 2023, 12:45pm:
    (err not forever but for as long as I can remember anyway)

  • Posted by 2023 (86.179.190.x) on August 26 2023, 2:42pm:
    aye- breakin is just a hybrid of shaolin arts and gymnastics ioo- redbull have been running competions for years..this can be just on skills like any other sport it seems.. its dynamic in any case..love that. thanx.

  • Posted by User (23.106.56.x) on August 27 2023, 9:05pm:
    You're right, Justin, i got used to figure skating and synchronized swimming, so when i think of it, they too should not be included in sports

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