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Question: The internet today feels very different from 2009. What do you miss from that time if anything? This place feels like a protected endangered species of cool internet stuff. Maybe I need to get out of the loop more often, how do you do it?
Asked by Beto (187.189.101.x) on August 26 2023, 5:37am
Reply on August 26 2023, 12:43pm:
    I forget what 2009 was like in general but there's a lot of content now that's not terribly web-accessible and thus ephemeral, and requires you to buy into the system to view (IG, TikTok, etc)... Which is sad, all of this culture probably won't be preserved.

  • Posted by Mespotine (89.204.154.x) on August 27 2023, 12:11pm:
    Yeah. We've seen it with MySpace, which was a huge archive from music of all kinds and bands focused on 05-09. After they messed up a backup, it got lost forever. A pity for us culturally.

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