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Question: I saw a video of Linus Torvals talking about how the main issue with desktop linux is the difficulty for application develeopers having to support all the different desktops, which seems to be the point of Flatpak. You seem to manage distributing just the one version of Reaper on Linux. Was that a propblem or is it just becasue Reaper doesn't rely on lots of Linux libraries that makes it easier?
Asked by todd_r (86.134.155.x) on September 16 2023, 5:10pm
Reply on September 17 2023, 7:54pm:
    Not exactly sure what's meant by "different desktops." Supporting different desktop environments, there are some quirks but it's pretty standardized. The bigger issues are around certain shared libraries, and we deal with this by dynamic loading when possible, and by using old libraries/toolchains when they can't be dynamically loaded. So we compile with gcc 4.x (so that we can support systems that have old versions of libc++ or whatever it is).

  • Posted by todd_r (86.134.155.x) on September 18 2023, 3:42am:
    Ah yeah, distro's is what I meant, but yeah desktop environments too. Thanks!

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