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Question: Any change to have a closer look at __LICE_SC_INTERNAL? It looks like that __LICE_SC does not like passing a LONG argument as used in LICE internally for RECT points, int argument works as expected (also previous implementation). LICE compilation fails with an error C2665. :(
Asked by Gio (85.74.137.x) on September 20 2023, 11:58pm
Reply on September 21 2023, 1:38am (edited at September 21 2023, 1:40am):
    hah yeah already fixed this locally but forgot to push that fix, one sec! thanks and sorry for the trouble!

  • Posted by Gio (85.74.137.x) on September 21 2023, 2:00am:
    Haha, that's the first time something failed to compile in WDL in the last 1x years... it was a nice surprise! Always pleased with WDL... ;)

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