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Question: How are waveforms displayed within a DAW? In general: how does a DAW converts a wayform into an image?
Asked by Matthew (98.13.93.x) on October 1 2023, 11:02am
Reply on October 1 2023, 11:33am:
    It depends a lot on zoom level and view options. If zoomed in where each pixel is less than or close to a sample's worth of audio, then you'd draw the sample as one or more pixels, either as rectangular sample if you want to show the encoded sample, or using sinc interpolation if you want to show the analog representation of that signal. If zoomed out so that each pixel represents multiple samples, then you'd likely want to look at all samples in that represented interval and find the minimum/maximum, then draw that as a range (unless you had a rectified view enabled, etc). For efficiency you likely will want to cache lower resolution views of the underlying audio, too (e.g. .reapeaks) so that you don't have to look at millions of samples to draw the view. And you might also want to do some spectral analysis for things like spectral peaks....

  • Posted by Matthew (98.13.93.x) on October 1 2023, 3:49pm:
    Thanks Justin, and I see I have made a typo lol.

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