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Question: Hello i have an old version of quickbooks as well but...i think there's no way to import bank transactions from the bank statement for a whole month for example? i think the only way is to write them manually 1 by 1 or am i wrong? can they be imported? Thanks for your help!!!
Asked by Quickbooks question (87.239.255.x) on October 7 2023, 7:16pm
Reply on October 9 2023, 1:19pm:
    I do it manually. It's an hour or two of work per year, and I'd still have to categorize transactions anyway...

  • Posted by quickbooks (146.70.48.x) on October 10 2023, 1:32pm:
    i estimate to have about 1000-2000 small transactions per month, so i think i can't avoid getting the new version

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