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Question: now that v7 is out, will JSFX be open sourced?
Asked by MadLobster (189.112.151.x) on November 5 2023, 6:12pm
Reply on November 6 2023, 1:54am:
    Ah yes I need to finish that...

  • Posted by ojjo (31.37.8.x) on November 6 2023, 10:43pm:
    What kind of work does that involve?

  • Posted by Justin on November 7 2023, 2:04am:
    Making it less awful and embarrassing ;)

  • Posted by Jens (2.248.179.x) on November 20 2023, 1:31am:
    I guess you could just let it all hang out, wash your hands of it and let the hive mind of the OSS community figure it out? (:

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